<Chapter 52>

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After separating from the police bots, the Lieutenant was skeptical of Dropforge and his men's actions. He told Sideswipe to fall back to find Grimlock. When Sideswipe didn't com in back when Bumblebee checked on him, the autobot became furious. He knew exactly what had happened. Bee drove back to find his friends and came upon the cops from before. "Awe scrap." He groans. Bee watched carefully around him to make sure the flyer wasn't there to sneak up behind him. He transforms and speaks to Dropforge "There isn't time for this. Free my team right now Dropforge and we'll pretend this never happened."

The chief replies "Alright. I'm tired of this, but you are making an exception to my no fighting perps with decepticon hunters rule."

Bee steps forward "Okay look, I don't wanna hurt you."

Dropforge looks up "I don't see a problem with it."

"Huh?" Bee starts. But before he could react, he got hit just beside the neck and fell to the ground, being almost knocked unconscious. The flyer stood up behind him and salutes to Dropforge who nods in return.

Drop says to Bee "You don't wanna underestimate us either, lead head."

"It's a good tip." Bee groans before giving out. 

The flyer picks him up, relieves him of his weapons and cuffs him before dragging him along by the cuff band. They arrive back at the ship and Fixit sees them "Sweet Solus Prime..."

The cops shove them into a cell and Strongarm says "Let me guess, one of you aggravated him into using his nightstick?"

Bumblebee replies "Something else actually." He points to the flyer.

"That aerial officer is nuts." Sideswipe grunts. "Teacher's pet? Talk to him, would ya?"

Strongarm looks to Forge and speaks "Sir. I'd never be a criminal; no matter what the High Council says!" Dropforge steps forward and talks to her about it.

Bumblebee looks over to the flyer and questions "Do you think that's ShiverTooth?"

"No clue." Sideswipe states.

Grim remarks "Yeah. I mean, he's never shown us his police colors before."

"If he has any." Bumblebee states. "We don't actually know if that's him or not."

".... I didn't ask questions." Dropforge finished.

Strongarm argues "That's how I know they've done something to you. Of course you'd ask questions. Can't you see that?"

Drop responds "The High Council knows what's best. You're as crooked as a bent windshield wiper."

The cadet replies "That's your voice, sir, but it's not your spark talking."

Then all of a sudden, a bang rang out into the ship. The cops ready themselves. The black one asks "Think it's locals sir?"

"Let's find out." The detective declares. He activated his mask and nightstick and they all run out.

"Guard the entrance." Dropforge says to the seeker as they reach the entrance hatch. The cops and Forge all go outside. The black and white seeker looks around and alerts "Sir." He points to the machines.

Dropforge and the others look to it and the chief orders "Deactivate that thing. Or arrest it. Which ever." The cops go to it but activate a trip wire and that sets off more of the pitching machines.  "Some days, I wish I never had gotten out of shut down mode in the morning." The chief groans.

The flyer was at an okay position where he wouldn't get hit and he takes a shot at each machine with his gun. A few of the shots were blocked by opposing baseballs. He managed to finally get the machines and they run back to the ship. Forge says "I might be passing my badge down after all. Great job, sport." The seeker nodded and smiled to Forge.

They then walk inside the ship and hold up their guns. Why? Because the prisoners had started escaping. "Leave it, Strongarm. We need to get out of here before—"

"too late, lead-heads." Dropforge interrupts Bumblebee "But right on time for the law." The autobots hold back and get ready to fight. Forge yells "Don't! Our weapons are calibrated to take down even dinobots."

"We give up!" Sounds Strongarm. The others gasp and look to her.

"We do?" Grim questions before raising his hands in surrender.

"We'd rather surrender than fight other autobots." She states. Bumblebee was confused at first but eventually understood.

"She's right." Bee confirms "We won't resist."

Sideswipe counters "But— Ugh!" The two humans hold up their hands as well.

Dropforge states "Nice to see you can still make a good decision, Scoot." He puts his nightstick away and walks forward to his student.

She leans to his height and says "I'm making one right now, sir."

Dropforge goes to cuff her but she takes her arms away and steals the cuffs from Dropforge's hands. She then attacks him with a nerve blow, knocking him out. The other bots charge and the bots take them out along with. The mysterious seeker jumps up and knocks Bumblebee to the ground. Strongarm goes to apprehend the mysterious bot but it holds its gun at the femme. Thankfully, Sideswipe comes up behind the bot and knocks the mech to the floor. The seeker lays against the floor, his visor still on his face, hiding his red optics.

Bumblebee walks over to his cadet "I'm sure that wasn't easy."

Strongarm replies "He taught me that attack. It had to be done, Lieutenant." The scanner in Strongarm's hand beeped steadily.

Bee asks densely "What are you doing?"

The cadet turns and states "A quick scan of his central processor. I need to know if my suspicions are right. Collating data now."

Bumblebee tells her "We can't stay for the results. We need to get to the refinery." He quickly coms a friend "Bumblebee to Bulkhead. Status."

A low voice in the com responds, breathing heavily in pain "Still here, Bee. Steeljaw has control of the refinery. He saw me in one of the primary feeder lines and blew me halfway back to Cybertron. I just punched myself out of the pipe about a mile away."

Bumblebee responds "Send us your coordinates. We'll meet you. Out." And he hangs up. Strongarm and the other bots lock the police mechs up in one of the cells.

Strongarm starts scanning them and Sideswipe starts laughing "Hey. Hey guys. Doesn't this bot look kind of like ShiverTooth?"

Grimlock walks over "Nah. Not really. Isn't ShiverTooth orange?"

"You mean Green?" Sideswipe corrects.

Grim states proudly "Nah I'm pretty sure he was orange."

Bumblebee talked to the others, including the humans and Fixit. Then he calls them all "Bots, Strongarm?"

"Coming, Lieutenant." She stated flatly. She walks back over to the team.

Bumblebee calls again "Sideswipe, let the seeker sleep."

Sideswipe remarks, mumbling "Im not even doing anything."

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