<Chapter 33>

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ShiverTooth's perspective

They find a lone driver on the road and Motormaster speeds up. I start panicking "No. no! What are you doing! Slow down! You're gonna hit them!!!"

"Does it look like I care?" MotorMaster argues. He then rams into the back of them and then drives beside them and rams them again. This causes the car to spin out and crash into a wall. The Stunticon that held me turns to face them.

I yell "What the frag is wrong with you! You could have killed them!!!"

"Could have killed them?" He asks me "Heh, just you wait."

I question "Wait.... What? What are you saying?" I saw Heatseeker transform and start walking towards the human as he got out of the car, his head and nose already bleeding.

I call out "No! No! Please!!! Stop!!!!" I tried to fly but I was actually stuck. My engines wouldn't function. They must have broke when I crashed!! SCRAP!!!!

The human saw Heatseeker and started running. Slashmark got in front of him and what happened next made my spark squeeze and nearly stop. Heatseeker yells "Nighty night, squishy!" His foot comes down and all I heard was a bunch of chilling cracks and a red puddle explode out of Heatseeker's foot. I screamed out and then gagged but I couldn't turn away. The mech lifted up his foot and looked at it "I like the way squishies sound when they squish. Sounds real good. It's disgusting what it makes of them though."

I started crying and Slashmark looked to me. He gave off an empathetic look. He looked to MotorMaster and said "Maybe you shoulda of turned away from this? Not let him see?"

The Stunticon below me says "Just wire the damn thing you messaged me in quiet about."

Slashmark nods and rips open the top of the car and then the seats out. He starts to work on whatever it was and then comes over to me and opens my canopy. He starts working on the device that Bee had hooked up to my controls to report my altitude. It then started beeping very quietly at a slow pace.

"What did you put in me, a bomb!?" I yell through my tears.

He says "Relax, kid. It's just an upgrade to you. Completely harmless." He then attaches a similar one to the inside of Motormaster's dash. All Slashmark says to him is "Max is 100 feet in alt mode, 50 feet in bot. Cyber measurement. He can't go far. The sound increases the further he is, and if he tries to leave, you'll see what it does."

The large Stunticon chief says "Perfect. Well done, Slashmark."

We get back on the road next. However, I couldn't shake the memory of what just happened. We get to a spot and the others transform. Slashmark unties me and helps me off. I transform and Motormaster grabs my shoulder plates near my neck and tugs me along with him "Those chumps will have found our little accident by now. They'll follow our trail."

We hear a charge and then turn to see a combiner. It sounded like Heatseeker. Looked like him too. The bottom half looked like Slashmark. He says "Bring em on, cheif! You ask me, we won't need that little something extra to wipe out those autobots."

MotorMaster pulls me forward as he walks "No one did ask you Heatmark! And we're taking no chances! We're sticking to my plan!!"

I hear another group of engines and look forward to see the autobots. AUTOBOTS!!! I'm saved!!! They transform and Bumblebee says "I take it you're the puppet master that pulls these cons' strings?"

The massive Stunticon says "The name's MotorMaster."

Bumblebee remarks "Good for you. You're all under arrest."

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