<Chapter 27>

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It was another day, another combiner test except we were all wearing the weird hats Fixit rigged up. None of us were comfortable in them. "Is this truly necessary, Bumblebee?" Drift asks.

The Lieutenant replies "It is if we want to control the effect that merges all of us into our ultra bee team combiner form"

"without the assistance of an accidental explosion, right Fixit?" Strongarm adds.

Fixit replies "Hopefully, Strongarm. Yes."

Sideswipe worries "I don't like the way he said hopefully."

"And I wanna watch TV with Russel!" Grimlock says "He said there's going to be human raisins!" I snort, beginning to laugh.

The boy corrects "Humans racing, Grimlock. Today is crown city Grand Prix."

The father agrees "Yep! It's the annual sprint for the ruler of the roads trophy!"

I say "Racing, huh? One of my old decepticon friends would love to take part in this I bet."

"Sounds a lot more fun than this." Sideswipe states.

Drift agrees "And safer."

Bumblebee stops us "Everyone quit complaining, I mean do you think I enjoy this? Or listening to your gripes? You should try driving a mile on my tires."

Fixit calls out "Alright! We're ready! Everyone say Kablooey!!!"

I cringe "Id rather not." Everyone else just stared at him.

Fixit replies "Oh, right. Activating!" it all sparks and everyone gets electrified. It all stops and the first voice I hear is Grimlock yelling excitedly "Can I go watch the race now!?" I look over to see his voice coming out of Drift "it's gonna start any minute!!" Everyone gasped. Grim was still clueless "Wassa matter?"

I heard Sideswipe next to me coming from Strongarm's body "Hey! That's me! Huh, I really am good looking. But where's my voice coming from?" He then looked at himself and freaked out.

I look over to hear Drift's voice and it was coming from..... Me.... "It appears your experiment was a failure Fixit. A terrible terrible failure."

"Am I in the Lieutenant's body?" Strongarm asks from Bumblebee's frame. "Have I become my own hero?"

Drift asks "ShiverTooth, which one are you?"

I raise my servo and and realize I'm in Sideswipe. "Are you fragging serious? I'm in my Enemy!!!??"

"Hey! I'm not a con! Unlike you." Sideswipe growls.

Drift comes over and grabs my helm while I'm freaking out "ShiverTooth! Calm down." I guess he could sense my optics changing between anger and fear.

We then heard Bumblebee "Okay, well all of you know where you are, but.... Where am I?" He then looked to his hand and realized "Oh scrud...."

Fixit says "I'm sorry sir but these circuits are fried, I-I.... I can't switch you back to your regular bodies!"

Drift growls "Find.... a....way!"

Grimlock cheers and we look over to see him rolling around in circles in Drift's alt mode. "WOOOHOOO!!! IVE GOT WHEELS!!!"

Fixit explains "I energized your cells that had been exposed to radiation as an explosion would have. Therefore the switch effect should be temporary, just as it's been temporary every time you've changed into the ultra bee team combiner."

Bumblebee tried to walk around and twirl to test his agility but he wobbled with the tail on his back "This is going to take some getting use to. It's probably more annoying than anything... as long as we don't have to deal with any crises."

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