<Chapter 1>

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After most of Cybertron was fixed and groups returned, many things changed. Rules came back. Families started again. So many things. A few of the bot's families came back, like Arcee's Father, Ultra Magnus's parents, and Smokescreen's parents. It hurt to see it but I stayed quiet. I then had to talk to a police mech and.... It turns out..... no matter what outcome you chose afterwards, what you did in the war causes consequences. For me, it was Betrayal, Homicide, Attempted Murder, Assault, and many others.... I understood and they took me away. It was weird feeling my hands in cuffs again, especially after giving into the arrest.

They took me to an old prison and inside were tons of cons. Knockout was actually here too.

"What happened to you?" He asks as I'm pushed into his cell.

"Many things. You?"


I sit on the other bench and the cuffs break off. I then lay on my side and look at the wall. I close my eyes but soon feel a servo on my shoulder which runs down my arm and takes my hand. "It'll be okay. I'll protect you." I smile up at him and he smiles back.

We shortly then fall asleep as well as the other prisoners. A few years went by and I got pretty use to the prison. Then one day, I was transferred. Knockout stayed there and I, along with other cons had transferred from the prison, however I went somewhere different from them. I was brought to a police station. I walk in with the bots and at the front stood a mech I didn't know.

"ShiverTooth Seeker?" He asks.

I nod "That's me, sir."

He nods slightly and then jumps off his chair, disappearing. He then walks around the table to reveal he was a minicon. "I am Detective Dropforge. My group along with the decepticon prison has read over your record and found a few interesting things..... Your betrayal crimes weren't just of autobot. They were of decepticon as well."

I vent and look away "I apologize."

"That's a good thing." He grabs my attention. Dropforge goes on "With what I've read about your relationship with autobots and about the factor of your brother STILL on the loose, we'd like to give you a second chance. What do you say?" He holds out a holopad for me.

I lean down and read it, then think it over. "I'd be honored." I sign the pad and then I'm sent home. To my real home.

           Tommorow would start my first day of police training. I got my recharge and headed over to the academy. Months past and I was a full blown cop. I was a solo cop though, no one trusted me on the account that I was a decepticon. I patrolled Vos and all that because it was my home city. I found a few bad guys and a few trouble makers and brought them in. Some I had to use my taser on.... Others..... didn't listen no matter what and I had to shoot them.... That was harsh.... Others shot me and I shot them back as a response which got them down so others could take him in. I met some great kids and as the years went by, my life got better.

I then got a call from the station "Officer ShiverTooth, you are needed at the launch sight."

"Copy that." I say, making a turn and flying towards the direction.

I land carefully and am greeted by a few bots hauling stasis pods on the ship. An orange minicon then rolled out of the ship and looked around until he spotted me and gasped. He then sped over and greeted me.

"You're here!" He exclaims.

I get on the ground and hold my servo out "Officer ShiverTooth. I was called here. Is there trouble?" I ask.

He shakes his head and laughs "Not at all! You were actually assigned to go with me on my travel. I've been awaiting your arrival. As soon as I got the message, I couldn't wait to meet you!—- o-oh.... Where are my manners. Fix-it." He greets me, finally shaking my larger servo.

We begin to walk onto the alchemor and he goes on. He asked me a bunch of questions, said a ton of things about himself and things he was surprised about me. Seems everyone knew who I was.

"Yeah, Optimus was great. You would have loved to meet him." I say to him.

He agrees "Of course! He was the last of the primes after all." We get to the pilot's room and we take off. After a bit of silence In our flight, he asks "So..... you were a decepticon?"

I nod "Was. Yeah. Under Megatron."

"What made you switch?"

"Personal things.... But he also lied and broke a ton of promises that he made to me. We lied our heads off to each other..... can't believe he kept me alive though...." I explain.

Fix-it nods "Understandable."

I then joke "Not use to having a decepticon as a guard, are you?"

He shakes his head, laughing as he talks "No... not really. First time having a guard to be honest." I agree. He then states "Hey, we're gonna be out here awhile, those pods might bust open. Might you go check on them?" I nod simply and go to the back of the ship.

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