<Chapter 9>

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They all gather around and Clampdown soon enough fully awakes and flips out, seeing all of us around him.

"Talk, Clampdown. What is Decepticon Island?" Bee asks.

"Where is it located?" Prime questions.

"How many Decepticons are there?" Drift asks.

"What is their objective?" Windblade adds.

Strongarm says "Is Steeljaw involved somehow?"

I ask next "How powerful are the Decepticons there?"

Sideswipe goes closer "Those guys took my questions."

Clampdown then sees Grimlock punching his hands together and I hold my hand up to him "Grimlock, calm down."

Clampdown stutters before fainting "Y-y-you s-see I-I-I.... Ohhh....."

Russel runs over "He's out. Just like all the others you questioned."

Bumblebee groans "Ugh, if we don't catch a break soon....."

An alarm rings and Fixit calls out "unidentified Cybertronian life form approaching the front gate."

We all run over and eject our weapons, ready for anything. The defenses activate along with. "Hit it, Denny." Bee orders.

The human opens the gate and on the other side was a busted up minicon who looked just like Fixit, just with some kind of collar around his neck "Help me, please." He whines before falling flat on his chassis.

Fixit cries "Sweet Solus prime!"

I walk over and pick him up into my servo, "He's still alive. Let's bring him to the command center. You can fix him there."

We run back over and Fixit gets to work on the new bot. He then wakes up and Fixit buffs his finish the best he could.

Fixit states "I can't believe you know flowcharts, schematics, and run down!"

The newcomer remarks "Of course, we all received our upgrades together."

Fixit laughs "Ha! What a small Universe!"

Bumblebee comes over to them and asks "I hate to interrupt the reunion but you were going to tell us where you came from, Toolbox, was it?"

The minicon states "Like Fixit, I was a caretaker and prison guard aboard the alchemor."

Fixit gasps "Then there was more to the ship that was around me when I flashed—- trashed—- CRASHED!!! ShiverTooth, how come you never told me?"

I respond "I never saw them! Honestly!"

Toolbox says "We assumed you were strictly following your orders and never went to bother you."

I shrug "A little heads up might have been nice... but honestly, we're glad you're here."

Strongarm asks "Were there more Decepticons prisoners?"

I agree "There were tons. Rows and rows of pods. It didn't seem to end."

Toolbox adds "He is right, there were MANY more! Your section of the alchemor broke off the main vessel as it plummeted through this planet's atmosphere. The remainder of the craft crashed just off the coast of what humans call Crown City."

Russel asks "How does a giant spaceship crash into a bay without anyone noticing!?"

I say "Being as big as the ship is, multiple cloaking systems might have been used in case it broke or snapped in half."

Toolbox agrees "Correct, and prison ships are continuously cloaked to keep them from attacked by raiders looking to free criminal associates."

Fixit exclaims "I remember now! They're also cloaked to keep from agitating native populations when the ships need to land and resupply."

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