<Chapter 26>

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Right on cue, I heard another gathering of running footsteps. I eject my blasters at them and then I heard Drift "ShiverTooth! I told you not to engage before we left the scrapyard." He comes over and carefully removes the stringy tape from my mouth.

I say "You said you'd prefer if I didn't! You never told me not to."

He cuts the web off my legs and then takes the other one off my eyes where my tears finally streamed down my face. I stand up and my pedes were so shaky. I held onto Drift's arm and he brought me closer to him, hiding my expression from the others. He brings a large servo down and rubs the lubricant from my optics and face with his thumb.

I whisper "Thank you, Drift." He nods and smiles lightly.

"Be careful. As I told you." He reminds me. I nod, my breath shuddering.

We get going again and Drift let's his minicons off. "Let's split up. We'll cover more ground." Bumblebee commands.

The samurai says "ShiverTooth will stay with me." Bumblebee looked at us both. Drift states "I have formed the connection I have with my students with ShiverTooth and wish for him to remain at my side for the time being."

Bee looks to me "Are you alright with that, ShiverTooth?"

I nod "I'll be okay." He nods and runs another direction. Drift and I go on our own path. "You're not going to go tough on me like you do with the minicons, are you?"

He looks down to me "Occasionally I might. You are a dear friend to me but with the ways I have been teaching you over the time since I met you. I feel like a mentor to you. However, there is something between the lines of that as well. I just cannot find it." I look forward and we continue on our way.

Later on, Drift started to feel on edge "Pupils, ShiverTooth, stay close. Enough games, Shadow Raker! Face me honorably if you dare!" The mech appeared behind us and we turn to him as he transforms.

"Shadow Raker..." the minicons growl in unison.

The mech replies "I seem to recall YOU were the one who abandoned ME, Deadlock. And not to mention, replacing me with a less intelligent decepticon, Now how is that honorable?"

My eyes go darker and Drift responds "My name... is not Deadlock...."

The mech leans down "And you stole these two from my tender care when you left. Honor dictates you return them to me and that you all receive punishment for your betrayal."

We get out of Drift's way and he yells "They are not PROPERTY!!!" He runs at him and they get into a sword fight.

"Master, let us assist you!" Slipstream begs.

"No! Do only as you were told!!" Drift growls.

Shadow raker comments "As I always taught you. Concern for others is folly and often fatal."

Drift turns to us, worried and looks around trying to find the others. The bug con says "Don't look for your friends to help, Deadlock."

Our friend charges him and backs him away "MY NAME IS DRIFT!!!"

Jetstorm asks "How can we aid our teacher when he will not permit us to fight?"

Slipstream replies "We will find another way." We watched them battle for what seemed like hours until Shadow raker was backed up into a tree, jumped over Drift and webbed him into the same one.

He turned to us and said "He has held you close in fear of losing you as I did with him. Had I not, he'd still be at my side, and you'd be with Megatron. Wouldn't you?" My eyes turn blue, purple, and dark red simultaneously.

Slipstream says "Shadow Raker. We doubt it." Jetstorm jumps off his weapon and at Shadow Raker but they both are webbed and apprehended. I run at him, dodging the webs as I go. I jump up and clash swords with him. We fight for awhile, both of us pushing each other back.

Shadow Raker says "You've changed since you were a decepticon in Megatron's army."

I growl "How do you know so much about me?"

He laughs "Other Decepticons' complaints. They called you weak, soft, sensitive, a scaredy-con. And what was the other word? Oh yeah. That's right.... Unaware." He kicked me in the side and and jumped in the air, landing on my wings, one foot on each and pushing me to the floor. He then slams my head into the rock under me, knocking me out.

When I wake up, I felt so weird.... I open my eyes and see I'm dangling above the ground. My energon was rushing to my head. I look down.... Or up to see my legs tied in web and webbed to the ceiling. The web was wrapped around a chain that was also suspending me. My arms were tied behind my back, crossed over each other.

I looked ahead to see Shadow Raker "Comfortable?"

I growl "Drift will find us."

He laughs "DEADLOCK may find his minicons. But he won't find you. You have my promise."

I narrow my ridges at him and he turns on his heel, leaving the room. I waited for the clicks of his footsteps against the metal floor to fade away until I made my move but by the time I went to, the ship shook. When I stop rocking back and forth, I make the web explode by using my powers and I then get my arms free. I cut the web off my legs and then pull myself up on the chain. I cut it below me and then drop down, landing on my feet. I hoped the chain rattle didn't alert Shadow Raker. I walk out and see no one was there, thankfully.

The ship lands from what I felt and I got outside through the hatch Drift brought us through. I follow them to a facility and stay outside the doors by being on the roof. Shortly, I hear the door open on the building, followed by Shadow Raker's voice "Keep it moving. Faster we can get that shannix to my ship. The faster we can get off this backward planet." The others arrive and get out their weapons. "How? How did you set this all up!?" Shadow Raker growls.

Drift remarks "We did not. They did." The minicons and bug decepticon look to each other.

Shadow says "You lie and betray as well as your teacher."

"Who learned from you!" Jetstorm yells.

"Yes. You should be proud." Slipstream adds. They slam the box on his foot and run forward.

Bumblebee says to him "Be a good beetle and come quietly. What do you say?"

Raker replies "I only have one thing to say." He webs pretty much everyone down and then Drift charges him. Shadow Raker tries to web him but he dodged and hit Sideswipe. I then jump down from my ledge and hit Shadow Raker to the floor.

"I learned something from you as well. Playing dirty." I stomp his head which was in alt and his helm hits the floor and he's knocked unconscious.

I look to Drift and he smiles lightly. He holds his hand out and I take it. He helps me off and I look to Bumblebee "Not a scratch on you. Awesome job, ShiverTooth."

I nod "Lets get back to the scrapyard before Shadow here wakes up."

We go back and Drift locked him away. He looked down to Slip and Jet and asked "You allowed yourselves to be captured in the first place?"

Slipstream says "We acted on our own, Master Drift. And though we stayed true to your teachings and loyal to you during our deception—-"

"We did not seek permission. We humbly beg forgiveness." Jetstorm finishes their sentence.

Their master replies "You acted wisely and bravely students. Your independent actions led to victory. Though I have told you in the past I trust you to act on your own, I have not put that into practice. It seems that I— am still learning....Now, it is time for nightly patrol."

Slipstream says "We are ready to undeploy, teacher."

The mech says "Unnecessary. You may patrol alone if you feel ready."

Jetstorm replies "We are most ready! Our patrolling will be thorough and diligent."

"We will bring you honor, master Drift." Slipstream says.

They run off and Drift smiles to himself "I know..."

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