<Chapter 45>

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A few weeks later, I was laying on the ground, my arm with its final cast on. I should be getting it off today. I was chatting with Knockout over video call, catching up on some things. I told him what happened to my arm and about Crustacean. I showed him what he looked like and where he was: curled up in the corner of my room.

"He likes to sleep a lot." I said. It was mainly because it wasn't cold in here. He liked cold weather which was probably why he was in the Arctic.

"So do you like it there?" Knockout questions.

I respond "Yeah... I mean it's been okay..... hey, um. Do you know anything on Megatron?" "

"Megatron?" He asks "No... I don't. Why do you ask?"

I reply "Too many cons are telling me about him. It's getting kind of nerve racking." I heard the horn from Denny's truck and said "I have to go. Talk to you later." I didn't give him time to say goodbye as I just ended the communication and ran out. Crustacean followed tiredly.

We get outside to see Denny and Sideswipe arrive with stuff in Denny's truck bed. "Special delivery!" The man shouts.

Sideswipe adds "We made a stealth trip to the scrapyard to salvage a few items." Bumblebee sighs and Swipes goes on "Not to worry, Bee. I scoped it out and made sure Steeljaw wasn't waiting for us."

Bumblebee argues "Still, nothing is worth taking that kind of risk."

The adult human asks "Not even... This?"

He pulls out a frame picture of a music band. One I didn't recognize. Bumblebee pretty much explains it all. It was one of his favorites; "MY REAR AXLE POSTER!!!! Rock it!"

I laugh "You sound like Miko."

He laughs along with "I kinda do, don't I?"

Sideswipe walks over to me as Denny and Russel talk. He holds out an old weapon of mine "You left this. Almost crushed it under my wheels."

"Holy Primus. My police gun! I can't believe I forgot it. I guess I left it because I had my ejectable ones. Thanks Swipe!"

He nods and holds up finger guns "Anytime, pal!"

Later on, Russel brings his TV over somewhere and we plug it in while Bumblebee helps me get my last cast off. I lay against Crustacean who had laid down as well to watch the show that appeared on Russel's TV. Fixit helped turn it on and a man dressed as a vampire inside of a spooky Halloween like set up appeared.

"Welcome chillers." He started "Glen Ghastly here! Prepare to have your hair raised and your spines tingled at this weeks 'showcase of shivers' tonight at midnight." He walked away but sure enough came back to quickly say "Bleh" to the camera.

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling, laughing to myself "This is idiotic."

"That's what makes it funny." Russel calls up to me, fist bumping his father.

All of a sudden, the cave started shaking. "What in the name of Solus Prime!?" Fixit gasps.

"Everyone out!" Bumblebee orders.

I start running with the team but I heard Crustacean shout worryingly "HUMAN!!!" I saw him go back to cover who I guessed was Russel. Rocks covered the two.

"Crustacean!" I call out.

Denny worries "Russel?"

The rocks burst to the sides from Crustacean throwing them to reveal the two perfectly okay. "All good, mates!" Crustacean thumbs up.

Russel copies "Yeah. All good."

A groundbridge started nearby in the cavern and all of us get ready. I get out my hunter but put it away once I see who it is "Greetings my friends." The large mech says "And thank you for your recent change of address transmissions, ShiverTooth and Bumblebee."

I run over and the semi truck lifts me up into his arms, nuzzling his crest into mine. I laugh with my eyes closed and open them slightly to see him smiling, showing his upper dentas.

Sideswipe calls out "Nice to see ya OP. But a little heads up might have been nice."

Grimlock asks "Ooh! Ooh! Is my teamie with you? Where's Drift!?"

I say "Y-yeah, is Drift okay?"

Prime looks to me "Drift is attending to other matters but he is fine. There is no need to worry, my friend. I have come to investigate an alarming report from Ratchet who has been studying shadow zone particles. He has registered a burst of those same particles here on earth."

Prime sets me to my feet and Bee asks "Something's travelled from the shadow zone to Earth?"

I say "Isn't the ShadowZone just a dimension? Technically Earth is also part of it."

Optimus looks down to me "You clearly spent too much time with Shockwave."

I laugh "Logical assumption." He smiles and I saw his chassis twitch, attempting to hide a laugh.

He then states "It is quite possible, Bumblebee." He taps his arm "I have transmitted the coordinates of the burst to Fixit's command tablet and ShiverTooth's GPS."

Fixit and I both say "Recieved."

The minicon goes on "The outdoor demolition durby where Grimlock first encountered Scowl."

"Let me guess. Another Dinobot." I ask.

Grimlock says "Yeah. Be glad you weren't here to see THAT go down. It was messy."

Bumblebee commands "If any cons escaped the ShadowZone, they won't stick around for long. Sideswipe, race ahead. Take stock of the situation and report back. Pursue if necessary but do not engage."

Sideswipe cheers "Im gone!!!" He took a step and we all hear glass shatter. I look down and my optics go wide. Russel freaks out.

Both Strongarm and I exclaim "SIDESWIPE!!!"

Swipes removed his foot to reveal the rubble of Russel's TV. The racer remarks "Sorry pal."

Russel stutters "M-m-my TV!"

Sideswipe nervously laughs "H-hey. At least it wasn't you, right? Okay! Now! I'm gone!"

He transforms and zooms away and Strongarm and I both call out to him "SIDESWIPE!!!!" But he was already too far.

Bumblebee says "Let's saddle up and get after him."

I say "Crustacean, watch after the humans. I'll be back." He nods and I transform and fly out behind Optimus's truck mode.

On my flight, I looked up earth television schematics, similar to the one Russel owned to see if I could get a bunch of parts from No Man's land, the garbage island and create a new one for Russel.  We eventually find Sideswipe under a bunch of rubble and we help to get it off of him. Grimlock picks him up and places him on his feet.

He groans, out of breath "Where's Soundwave?" My spark stopped when I heard this. First Knockout, then Megatron, and now Soundwave? This isn't going well.

Strongarm questions "Soundwave? He's in the shadow zone. Isn't he?"

"Not anymore." Swipe rises to a natural stance. "We have to evacuate Crown City now, before Soundwave destroys it and everything else on the planet! I'll explain on the way."

They started transforming and driving off but Prime stopped and rolled back "ShiverTooth?" I don't answer him. He transforms and comes over "ShiverTooth. Baby. Look at me." I flinch finally and look to him. He saw the fear in my eyes as they flashed purple and blue and my breath hitched. "You're scared. It will be okay. Let's hurry. Try to stay out of sight until absolutely necessary." He goes off and I follow after him.

I say "I know he won't hurt me. We're good friends."

Optimus says "Agreed. Which is one reason why I do not wish for you to engage him."

"And the other?" I ask.

He states "Soundwave is also unpredictable."

"No scrap." I agree. Strongarm and Grimlock help evacuate through a call to the Mayor and I stick by Optimus's side, flying just above and behind them.

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