<Chapter 37>

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Time Skip of that night
ShiverTooth was walking in the scrapyard, it was darker than normal... he heard a weapon charge and he turned around. He saw Bumblebee with his gun up "Bee?" He asked.

Bumblebee answers "Stand down and put your hands up. I know you'll listen to me, ShiverTooth."

The seeker does so "W-what are you doing this for?"

Bumblebee walks over and cuffs him "You're under arrest ShiverTooth. I told you I was serious and that I didn't want you going off."

The seeker defends "But MotorMaster captured me! I didn't have a choice!!!"

"Don't play dumb with me. You know what you did."

He brought him to the front where the bots were all scarred up, lying around, exhausted. Fixit was at the control console, bleeding energon from his head.

ShiverTooth looks to Bee who was now laying against a rock, now scarred up like the others "If you didn't leave, this could have been prevented."

ShiverTooth looked around "Where's Denny and Russel?"

Bumblebee lolls his head back in pain "Dead. Steeljaw got to them. If you were here you could have saved all of us."

ShiverTooth started walking off and then turned and started running. He ran smack into the wolf con himself.

The mech laughed "My my, what do we have here? Seems I missed one."

His jaws and claws were stained with energon and human blood. Steeljaw took a swipe and ShiverTooth belted up. He looked around to see it was night and we was in the scrapyard again, no burn marks anywhere like from earlier. He stood up and looked around. He saw the sun peak up in the distance and knew the others would be awake..... if there were any.

He walked towards the back of the diner where Russel and Denny normally slept. He got to their RV and couldn't hear anything. ShiverTooth saw Russel's jacket lying on the ground by the fence and he got scared. "No.... No please..... It had to have been a dream!!" He ran back out into the scrapyard and hid in the shelves. "No.... They're all gone. It's my fault! I should have been more careful and not have been captured! I could have prevented this!!!" He cried.

The sun came up and ShiverTooth heard footsteps coming near him. It was Bee. He knew it because he kept hearing the mech call his name "ShiverTooth!? ShiverTooth where are you!? Oh please don't tell me he ran off again."

The seeker stood up and got out of hiding. Bumblebee saw him and smiled lightly "There you are...." But he saw the seeker wasn't happy at all. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

The seeker lost it and broke down "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.... It's all my fault!"

Bumblebee goes closer "Woah, what's your fault?"

ShiverTooth yells "Everything!! You all got hurt because of Steeljaw and Russel n' Denny got killed because I was captured by MotorMaster and I couldn't save you guys!!!"

Bee exclaims "Wait what!? Hang on. They're hurt!?"

Shivers nods "I-I don't know..... I-I saw Russel's jacket on the ground by their RV. I couldn't hear them at all either."

Bumblebee grabbed ShiverTooth's hand and they ran over to the diner. However, it was wrong. Bumblebee saw the two humans perfectly fine, Russel was in a black and blue medium sleeve shirt, sitting, on his phone and Denny was making breakfast for the two of them.

Bee calls over "Denny, Russel!"

The two look over "Oh, hey, Bee! What's up? How is ShiverTooth?" Russel asks.

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