<Chapter 23>

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Another day went by, and I landed at the abandoned airport near the old missile silo. I take a rest and then transform and fly over to the silo. I sit in one of the rooms and sit with my back against the wall. Earlier in the middle of the night I got shot down and attacked by a decepticon. He tore me up pretty well. I was leaking energon from a few areas, but I hardly felt it.

I laid back. The scar under my right eye dripped down my face and down my neck making me shudder. My wings tapped the wall constantly from shivering from the pain in my body. I had a few running up my left leg and one down my back. I was pretty hurt, but I didn't care anymore.

I hear an engine and I get out my gun and hold it up. Soon enough, Drift drives in and transforms. He was shocked to see me. We stood looking at each other for about a minute before one of us spoke "What the hell do you want?" I ask, flicking my gun.

Drift started walking over but I charged my gun and he stopped "I just want to talk."

"Well I don't, so leave me be."

"Bumblebee did not mean what he said." Drift counters.

I sit up "He said Sideswipe was right and called me a decepticon! He even told me Optimus was lying! I don't trust anyone anymore!!"

The samurai stands tall "I never said anything about you. I appreciate you and always have. Optimus did too."

"Optimus isn't here to explain himself though, is he?" I ask.

He shakes his helm "Well no but—"

"Then what chance do I have?"

I turn my back to him and he walked closer, wrapping his arms around me "Please don't block us out. At least not me. You're one of the only things on our team that keep me calm when Sideswipe is being such a nuisance. Please come back." I turn to him to see he was generally upset and a bit of a shuddering breath was noticeable.

I hug him once more and cry into his frame. We stood like that for 2 minutes together until I calmed down. Drift asks "Will you come back?"

"No." I say.

The samurai states "The sphere made us do it. In the legend, brother bots go after one another out of greed. The sphere emitted energy that made us do it. You always listen to Optimus, why didn't you listen to him then and remember his words? Were you affected?"

I growl "No, I didn't see why you guys were so Interested in the sphere, so I didn't pick up on it. I thought it was all you guys finally turning on each other and then Bumblebee agreeing with Sideswipe. We had talked earlier, and I had accidentally let Zorillor out, so I thought he replaced me with Blurr.... I-I—"

Drift holds my face with one servo "We never would have replaced you. Ever... we need you. Please come back. You're hurt badly. You need medical attention."

With that I realized what happened to me and how much energon I had lost. We walk out and a groundbridge appears. Drift and I go through, and Bumblebee sees me and runs over.

He hugs me close and says "I'm so sorry! I wasn't in control of myself! I wish you would have seen that when the sphere got out of range from affecting us!"

Drift stops him "Bumblebee, ShiverTooth was not affected by the sphere. Meaning he thought you meant what you said. He had no clue of what happened clearly until I spoke to him. Fixit, ShiverTooth needs repairs immediately." The minicon rolls over and we get to work on me.

"What happened? How did this happen?" Bee asks.

I say "I got attacked. A con shot me down and scarred me up."

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