<Chapter 18>

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It was nightfall when the others got back to the scrapyard. "Where's ShiverTooth?" Bee asks.

Denny answers "Out back, but he isn't too happy...."

Bumblebee races over and finds him soon enough. The seeker was ontop of a semi truck trailer that was on its side. His arms sat on the wall, servos gripping the railing. He was staring out into the darkness. Bee walks over and scares him accidentally. "Oh, sorry."

"What do you want?" Shivers asks, his optics clouding for a second.

Bumblebee groans "Please don't take your anger out on me and push me away. I want to help you. Really I do. Sideswipe just hates the fact that you were a decepticon and probably thinks that you're still on their side because you refuse to change your symbol."

"I'm using it to my advantage. Did you see the one red and black autobot bounty hunter? He worked with Starscream and still wore his proud. I doubt my brother made a remark about him as immature as Sideswipe is about me." ShiverTooth argues.

The Lieutenant states "Well, an autobot joining a decepticon is a 'welcome to the party, let's go beat up your friends for revenge' kind of thing where as a decepticon joining an autobot is more nerve racking, astounding, unpredictable than anything. Autobots are good guys so when they join the Decepticons, the con's normally have an idea of what happened to them. Decepticons on the other hand are so different. They're tricky, they're cunning, I mean you've seen Steeljaw, and half the time they can't make up their mind... No offence. Sideswipe just sees you acting against the Decepticons as if you're friends."

"That's the point!!!" ShiverTooth yells "It's supposed to seem that way so we can get the upper hand!!! I'm not with them!!!"

Bumblebee wraps his arm around him and says "We know. Sideswipe just may take awhile to see that... especially because you're Starscream's twin..."

They heard Sideswipe grunting and arguing with someone so they turn to face him. It was Drift, pulling Sideswipe with his arm twisted the wrong way "Apologize, now."

He throws Sideswipe to the ground infront of ShiverTooth and Swipes looks up, in fear. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said. But you WERE a decepticon and you're too stubborn to change your symbol back so—"

ShiverTooth grabs his throat and pushes him against the wall of the scrapyard, beginning to choke him. "ShiverTooth! That's not helping!" Bumblebee says.

ShiverTooth argues "I am not stubborn. I'm using it to my advantage and trying to help you guys capture these stupid guys!! I've nearly died so many times helping you! Razorpaw nearly drained me of energon, I held the damn stasis bomb to stop Decepticon island and Steeljaw nearly killed me there!! I also came up with the plan to stop them!! I nearly just died to my own brother, the brother of one of my old best friends and an insecticon that I knew since he was a child!!! I had the highest score of this whole team and the best of this team trust me, Bumblebee, Drift, even Windblade!!!"

He went on and on "And still, you think I prefer the Decepticons over you guys!!!?? Well you've got one thing right!!! I do prefer them!!! Over you!!! I'd rather have Steeljaw beat me up and Starscream rip me apart than to have you lie about me and that I'm not okay to be on this team!!! I fully deserve it after what I've been through!!!!" He shoves Sideswipe to the ground and walks off. No one dared to follow him.

ShiverTooth's persepctive

A few days later, I was sitting with Grimlock in the scrapyard, playing Tic-tac-toe. I was trying to let him win but I came to think he was trying to let me win so I just went with his idea. I could see he was faking it when he lost "Aw! No! I lost! You're good at this game, ShiverTooth."

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