<Chapter 8>

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The next day, our whole team was out together. I flew right above Optimus as we went. Grimlock sure seemed excited.

"We're taking too much time locating our fugitive's signal. If our con knows anything about this 'Decepticon island' we've heard so much about, it's vital we make this capture. Get ready to go off road team." Bee states.

Prime argues "No. I don't want us to risk unforeseen driving hazards we might encounter if we leave the highway."

The Lieutenant counters "I appreciate your input, Optimus, but as leader of the team, I say we make our own road. I know this part of earth better than you do."

Optimus listens "Very well, Bumblebee."

"Stay close everyone." Said bot orders. We all speed past Grimlock who was falling behind. We then turn and go offroad. The ground guys do. Windblade and I stay in the air.

"Do you think these wheels are rocket powered?!?" Grimlock calls out.

I swing around and transform, landing on his back. I then use the thrusters in my legs to push us to go faster.

"Ay! Now I got rocket powered wheels!" Grim laughs. Windblade and Sideswipe were talking with Strongarm up ahead but I couldn't hear them. "Team within the team, huh?" Grimlock asks "That sounds awesome! Hey, drift! Wanna be on a team within the team with me?"

All he responds with is "No." before driving off.

Grimlock whines "He's playing hard to get. Hey, what about you, ShiverTooth!?"

I shrug "I don't know. I just met you yesterday." He agrees "I'll give you time!"

I jump back into the air and transform then catch back up to the front with Prime.

Bee says "We should be getting pretty close to the— UGH!!" He hits something and drives over it.

Prime starts "Bumblebee, are you-"

"Fine. It was just a rock. Not an unforeseen driving hazard. We're going into the forest to locate our fugitive. Switch to bot mode."

We act as a wave, all transforming into bot form and continue running into the forest.

"Woah, glad I'm not the brain-warped con who has to face our WHOLE team at once." Grimlock teases.

Branches snapping sound and I flick my head around, my missiles ejecting.

Bee sets a hand on my shoulder " This isn't like Bulkhead, ShiverTooth. You'll be alright."

I retract a few and Strongarm asks "wasn't this 'Bulkhead' you speak of an autobot?"

"Yeah but back then ShiverTooth was a full decepticon. He kinda feared big bots like him. He knows what I mean."

I saw Strongarm and Sideswipe look at each other but then back ahead. More branch snappings call out and my eyes darken. We all get out our weapons and stop in our tracks. Then all of a sudden, a red and purple crab con jumps out of the bushes and trips, dropping his item and falling on the ground.

"O-Ouch!!" He yells.

Sideswipe steps forward and we both say "Clampdown? What's got you so spooked?"

He stands up and focuses on me "Oh, ah-duh, hiya ShiverTooth! What a pleasant surprise I'm not the only one GETTING CHASED!!!" He hides behind me and I hold my weapon up at the other bot that was coming this way.

"Clampdown knows you?" Drift asks.

Without moving my gaze, I say "We met in prison. I helped him away from a few bigger robots trying to hurt him." I step forward and see the lights of the mech.

The shape came to catch my eye and Bee along with Optimus and I let down our guard and say "You?"

The bot comes out of the shadows and we were able to see each other clearly.

"Ratchet!" Optimus exclaims.

The medic drops the stasis pod in his arms and a little minicon catches it but then falls back, dropping it. The bot says to him "Undertow! Careful! I need that."

I laugh "Same old bot." He greets the others, talking to Optimus about how he thought he had been destroyed and then looks to me.


I walk over and hug him. We separate and he kisses my forehead "Missed you. How ya been? Not to much trouble I hope." With a sharp blue across my cheeks, I nod my helm and back away, covering my face and whining. He chuckles and pats my shoulder "I'm glad." He examines my wings and then brings his servos to my arms, softly turning them. My face darkens and my eyes go red into blue. He looks to me "I'm proud of you."

I nod. "Haven't since the iacon relic missions."

He was astonished "Oh that's makes me even more proud!" He hugs me tight and then cups my face with his servo. I hold it lightly and blush lightly. Then we separated. We go back to the scrapyard and Ratchet was telling his story.

Drift walks over to me and asks "What did you and Ratchet mean?"

I turn to him "What are you referring to?"

He goes on "You haven't done something since the 'relic missions' was what he said while he was observing your arms."

I look down "Oh, um.... I-I don't know how to put this lightly but um....." I make a slashing motion with my servo across my arm, make a hand gun in my servo with my digits and creating a cocking sound with my mouth before holding against my head and making a death gagging noise "Yeah uh...." I shrug.

Drift backs up "That's.... U-unsettling..."

"Yeah, I had mental issues back when I was a decepticon."

Jetstorm asks "How many times did you do it?"

"Jetstorm!!" Drift snaps.

Said mini jumps "It was just a question!"

"A rude one—" the sensei scolds.

I interrupt "No no no.... It's fine... only about 7 or 8 times.... One of them being down my side." I show the area and drag a digit along the invisible line that Shockwave sewn up. "It's all gone now and I don't plan on doing it again so you don't have to worry about it..."

Drift nods "Thank the allspark. But if your mind does change, please...." He sets a servo on my shoulder "Talk to someone. If you feel scared to talk to anyone, you may come talk to me. I find Meditating is a good way to calm the mind and spirit and clear any negativity."

I smile "I'll keep it in mind."

We face back forward, hearing Bumblebee with stress in his voice "Yes, as team leader, I agree. We'd be lucky to have you with us."

Ratchet smiles "Thank you. I'd be happy to assist."

"Great." Bee replies "Drift, Sideswipe, ShiverTooth, let's wake up Clampdown and see if he can get us some intel about Decepticon island. Everyone else, at ease."

Everyone walks away except the three of us. I speak first "I should grab him and get him outside the pod."

Sideswipe whines "Aww, but I wanted to do it." I reply "I'm the most gentle and I used to be a decepticon so I know how to deal with them."

Sideswipe doesn't argue and they both lift the pod to bring it out to the main area. We open the pod and I drag the crab outside of his pod and sit him down. He was a lot heavier than I thought he was however. We heard him begin to stir awake and I send Sideswipe off to go alert Bumblebee and the others.

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