<Chapter 56>

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When we land, Fixit calls out "Touchdown! 1.5 clicks from the High Council chambers."

"At least Ratchet's cloaking system managed to let us land without being noticed." Bee says.

"Because he's a medic, not an inventor." I joke.

Bee nods "We know. Alright team, double check your weapons and prepare to disembark."

Steeljaw calls to us "You'll never make it. The high council building's defenses incorporate sub sonics. THAT'S why you need me. I've been there and seen these defenses. I can beat them."

Drift counters "I too have been to the council's chambers, and I circumvented the security systems to do it."

Steeljaw argues "Yes, I know. Before they sent me back to earth, the council TOLD me they'd experienced a recent breach. They've upgraded their defenses."

Bumblebee decides "We could chance that we might beat the defense systems, but if we're wrong, we'll lose the element of surprise. We have to bring Steeljaw."

I groan and my wings fall and hide themselves behind me. Strongarm says "He could be LYING, sir."

"There's no choice, Strongarm. We're only gonna get one shot at this." Bumblebee states.

Steeljaw smiles "Thought so."

They let him out and I step back "He has to promise he'll stay away from me and my wings. I can still feel the pain from the LAST time he messed with them."

Steeljaw comes over to me. I heard Drift put his hands on his katana hilts for caution. The con holds his claw out to me "I promise. Decepticon to Decepticon, I swear to not lay a single talon on your wings, or your figure. You have my word."

"I'm still not shaking your hand." I state.

"You don't have to." He responds, expecting a thank you.

I look back to him "yeah no."

His smile faded and he rolls his eyes "Alrighty then." He scoffs.

Bumblebee turns to me "ShiverTooth, I decided I won't chance you being seen. Your earth alt gives it away. Hide with Grimlock under the tarp."

I nod "I won't argue."

While I hid under the tarp, right under Grimlock's chest and head, I was slouched over, my wings down and held between Grimlock's legs. "I hate this." I mumble.

"Now you see how I feel." Grim cracks, hoping I'd laugh. I just smile but it wasn't the best one. We come across a bigger area and there was another group of guards, all walking in sync.

"That's like the 15th security patrol we've seen! Think they're looking for us?" Sideswipe questions.

Drift says "Unlikely. Frequent patrols are simply the norm now on Cybertron."

Fixit whispers while in Strongarm's cab "1 click to the council building."

Bumblebee declares "Can't get there without crossing the plaza. Time to find out if we're recognizable or not."

We drive in and hear more clearly an announcement that played overhead on the screens "Your high council knows what is best. Optimus's time has passed. The galaxy is ours to shape."

Strongarm curses under her breath "Sweet Solus Prime...." I nod. This truly was scary.

Grimlock peaks from under the tarp "Are we SURE this is Cybertron."

I pull the tarp back "Grimlock!!" I whisper loudly.

Steeljaw jokes "This is what all of you seem like to me: blindly following your leaders and never truly free."

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