Part 26

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Me and Tom talk for a while and hes being so sweet to me.

Time goes by and class ends*

Me and Tom leave the class and I say bye to him. "If you ever need me let me know." Tom says giving me a soft smile. I nod and chuckle.

I leave the school.

I get in my brothers car and we talk for a bit. "It's 2:30 right now but remember at 4 we're going to the cemetery." Eddie says looking at me.

"Okay." I say.

I've never really been to the cemetery except for my grandpa and it gives me flashbacks.

We get to the house and I get inside. Eddie was outside for a bit.

I see Aiden on the couch infront of my dad with a scared face.

"What's going on?" I question.

"Nothing stop trying to get in my conversation when it's not about you." My dad says looking at me straight in the eye.

I give him a weird expression.

It breaks my heart seeing him change like this. I know my mom passed but this isn't him. I miss his goofy personality and now he's just turning into a poor father toward us.

"He's my brother I should get into this?" I say standing up for Aiden.

"Britney talk back to me one more time and you'll see!" My dad says while he clenches his jaw.

"I don't care you've been rude to us what's up with you." I say getting closer to him.

My dad walks to the closet aggressively. "I told you don't play with me Britney!" He says getting out a belt and walks towards me.

My eyes widen and I know what's coming. If I walk away it would be worse so I just decided to stay.

My dad slaps me hard with the belt to my face. He slaps me with the metal part. I whimpered and yelled.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I say screaming at my dad.

I touched my face and felt a big cut my skin. I looked down to my finger and there's blood. I hear my dad laughing and I look up at him.

"WHATS WRONG WITH YOU, I HATE YOU!" I say while grabbing Aidens arm putting him behind me.

"Stop thinking your so tough Britney, your nothing but a stupid child." My dad says with a grin.

I hear running, the door opens and it's Eddie.

"Get the fuck away from them." Eddie says pushing my dad. My dad laughs and scoffs. "You guys are a bunch of shit heads." My dad walks towards the stairs.

"Come on." Eddie says opening the door for us to go outside. Me and Aiden go outside and get in the car.

Eddie is still inside the house.

"Are you okay?" Aiden says with a sad scared face.

"Yeah I'm okay." I smile at Aiden. I look in the mirror and there's a big scratch on my face with blood. I wipe it off and try to comfort Aiden.

"Why is dad acting like this?" Aiden says.

"He's just going through stuff but let's talk about something else." I say smiling at him rubbing his back.

I hear distant yelling.

It sounds like Eddie. I listen closely and it's my dad and Eddie arguing. I sigh and cover Aidens ears.

A few minutes go by and there's no screaming anymore.

I take off my hands off of Aidens ears and I see Eddie slam the front door. He gets inside and drives off.

The two brothers | Tom & bill kaulitzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang