Part 28

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We start walking and he grabs my hand. I lay my head on his shoulder while we walk. I feel him kiss my forehead and I get butterflies.

Few minutes passes by and I'm holding onto his shoulder. We're almost at the school and I was getting tired of walking even though it was my decision to walk.

Tom could tell I was getting tired so he picked me up and carried me easily. I giggle and kiss him. "Thank you my love." I say. He smiles and I close my eyes feeling relaxed.

Tom gently sets me down and I open my eyes. I sigh as we go into the school. We both go to our math class and sit next to each other. The class had some math papers around the walls.

Are we doing a test? Ugh.

"Britney." Tom says.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Do you want to go to the beach after school today with bill and the rest of the guys?" Tom says.

I'm not the best swimmer but I do miss being in the water.

"Yeah sure!" I say smiling at him.

"Okay well I'll pick you up around 4:00?" Tom says.

"Okay!" I say.

I turn back to the board and pay attention to what the teacher is teaching.

Time goes by and the teacher moves us around to play a game.

"Okay students were going to play a game it's not a test or anything I just want to see what level you guys are at, so I'm going to put you in groups and you guys are going to go around at every paper guessing and working with your group." The teacher says.

Me and Tom get separated and put into groups with random people.

"Okay timer starts now you guys have 30 minutes go now!" The teachers says and we get to work.

Im at stage 1  and Tom is at stage 3. I'm standing next to my group and no one is talking. "So do you guys know the answer?" I say trying to break the silence.

They all shake their head no except for this one guy. "I know it but you guys have to work for it too." He says. I sigh and look back at Tom, he's leaning on the table waiting for someone to get the answer as well.

I chuckle and get a paper and pencil to figure out the answer. Everybody in my group is trying to get the answer. Few minutes go by and I'm writing down everything.


Toms pov*

I already had the answer in mind but I didn't want to tell them. I look at Britney and she's writing down with her cute focused face. I chuckle seeing her trying to figure out the answer.

"Hey Tom do you know the answer?" A girl says.

"No." I say.

"Are u suree?" She says in a convincing tone.

"I don't, go ask someone else." I say.

She rolls her eyes and goes back to working. I get bored and go to Britney.


Britney's pov*

As I'm working and I feel someone come behind me. I got scared because I was bending so I didn't want it to be someone that's not Tom. I feel someone smack my butt. I get angry and turn around aggressively.

It's Tom.

The relief.

He's laughing and I cross my arms. "Don't be doing that in school Tom." I roll my eyes and go back to work.

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