Part 17

639 10 18

(I'm not going to say what type of warning it is because I don't want to spoil)

I hear a distant voice "Wait!" I know that voice. It's Tom. I ignore it and speed walk.

20 mins go by*

I'm on the Main Street and I'm waiting for the crosswalk to start.

"Hey chick, want a ride?" This guy says with other guys in their truck. "No I'm fine thanks." I say looking away. "Okay have a nice day sweetheart!" He winks at me with a cigarette in his mouth.

I have my arms crossed and it starts counting down. I didn't notice, I quickly walked down and I'm almost home. I try to settle myself so Eddie wouldn't think something happened.

All the water dried off by now but I'm still pissed. This outfit is new too!

I get to my neighborhood and cool down. I get near my house. I walk into my driveway and ring the door. Aiden peeks through the window. "Hii your here early!" Aiden says smiling.

"Yeah I know, did you eat?" I asked changing the topic.

"No." Aiden says with a frown on his face.

"Where's dad?" I questioned.

"He left way earlier to go somewhere."

"Ohh, what do you want I'll make you food." I say trying to be a good sister. "Pancakes and bacon?" I nod and get out all the stuff I needed.

40 minutes go by and I'm done with the food*

"Aiden!" I say calling him because he went upstairs to play games. "Coming." He comes downstairs and grabs his plate. "Thank you Britney!" I smile at him and go through my phone.

3:30 p.m.
4 messages from Tom.

I open the messages.

Britney are you okay???

I told her to leave my house already, all the boys and the girls left if you want to come and talk.

Britney I'm sorry about that.

Text me back please.  - sent 40 minutes ago.


I text him back.

It's okay Tom it's not your fault, i just don't like how the guys were treating me like that when they clearly saw what happened. I had to go home anyways I'll see you tomorrow at school.

                        He quickly texts back.

                      Okay I love you see you tomorrow.

I love you too.


I wash both of my brothers clothes. Aiden gets done with his food and I offered to wash his dish. It starts getting dark and I hear the door open. "Oh hi Eddie!" I hug him and he hugs me back.

Eddie chuckles and puts his stuff away. "I'm tired so I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep." I nod my head knowing that means I have to watch Aiden until my dad gets home.

I lay down on the couch with Aiden and eat some cereal. I forgot to change my clothes so I change into a white cropped tank top and pink shorts.

(Safari wasn't working 😍🤞🏼)

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