Part 7

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Toms pov*
We're laughing having a good time I turn around to go to Britney and she's not there.

Where the hell did she go??

"Guys do you know where Britney is??" I ask, looking at the guys, they all look clueless except Bill.

"She said she was going to buy a water from the shop." Bill says.

I go over to the shop and don't see her at all. I go back to the guys and say "Britney is not there, where the fuck is she?" In a worried tone.

I start panicking. The first thought that came across my mind was "that creepy old guy."

The guys starts looking everywhere for Britney. I'm looking around the shop again and see that old creepy guy in there.

"Where the fuck is she?!" I say grabbing his shirt aggressively.

"What I don't know what your talking about?" He says making this evil grin.

I punch him and he falls to the ground . "If you don't tell me where she is I'll punch you right in the throat."  I tell him with a death stare.

"I think she left outside, I genuinely don't know where she is!!" I drop him onto the ground and go check outside.

She's nowhere and I'm starting to feel like someone took her.

I see Bill and the guys. I come up to them and they look so scared and worried for her. 

We still didn't give up and go our separate ways.

Britney's pov*

I wake up confused to those 3 guys that I bumped into earlier. I'm in the family bathroom on the long counter and I look down at my pants. Their unbutton and my shirt is down.

What the fuck.

I'm on the verge of crying but I try to hold it in.

"Oh look she's awake!" One of the guys says pointing at me laughing. All of them are laughing at this point.

"Hi sexy" Their friend says grinning at me with drinks in their hand.

I get up from the counter and have a disgust/ anxious look on my face.

"What the fuck!" I say pushing one of the main guys.

"Aw don't get too mad now princess." He's laughing.

"Shut the fuck up, you guys are so nasty!" I say slapping the main one.

"Oh look she's angry now Brent." One of his friends says to the guy I slapped.

His name is Brent.

Brent pushes me on the wall, aggressively choking me. "STOP! I- I CANT BREATHE!" I say losing my breath.

"Aw too bad" Brent says giving me a nasty smile.

I start thinking I'm gonna pass out.

I screamed as loud as I can trying to fight back but he's lifting me up on the wall.

"Okay Brent stop." One of the guys who didn't really talk says while trying to pull Brent away from me.

Im starting to get purple and getting dizzy.

I hear a door open and it slams.

It's tom.

Before I could even look at his way he punches Brent knocking him out. I dropped on the floor and pass out.
Toms pov*

The two brothers | Tom & bill kaulitzHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin