Part 4

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I wake up and feel a hand on my waist. I look to my left and it's Tom hugging my waist. Oh my gosh.
He's such a cute sleeper.

10 mins go by*
I tap on Tom "Tom" , "Yes Britney" he says in a raspy morning voice. "I-" I get interrupted by a phone call by MY MOM. OH NO THIS CANT BE GOOD. "No no no!" I say getting up and grabbing my phone off of Toms drawer.

Tom gets up startled by me. "What's wrong?" He says in a worried tone while putting his shirt on. To be honest I didn't even know his shirt was off but anyways. "My moms calling me can I go to the bathroom real quick sorry!" "Yeah it's okay"

Tom says, he leads me to the bathroom and goes downstairs. I'm in the bathroom now and answer. "Hello" my voice shakes.


"Mom mom I'm just at a friends house I'll go home right now" I say knowing she'll beat my ass.


"Mom please no I'll go back right now I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Britney Hernandez tell me where you are right now." She says in a serious scary tone. I tell her the address and she hangs up.

I'm so scared I'm so scared
I grab my jeans and change back into them. I get out the bathroom and go downstairs.

"Tom my moms coming and she's pissed please just don't open the door." Tom looks at me and starts coming towards me.

"Okay sorry for telling you to come." His lips are close to mines, we kiss. He kisses me and I kissed back, he's grabbing my neck and goes down to my chest touching my boobs. Bill see us kissing I look away from bill and look back. He disappeared and I giggle.


"Omg Tom I have to go or she's gonna come and bang on the door." Tom smirks "Okay I'll see you at school tomorrow!"

We both smile and I quickly get out his house. My moms looks so mad. "GET IN NOW!" She says pointing to the seat. I get in and it's silence. We're now home. She grabs a belt, oh no I whine.

"Turn around." I turn around you I guess you could imagine what happened. My younger brother Aiden sees me getting my ass beat and giggles. I'm going to take his nightlight. See how scared he'll be now.

I go upstairs to my room and was going to text Tom but forgot we don't have each others numbers. Aw man. I hear loud footsteps coming towards my room.
My mom storms in my room and says "oh and I'm taking your phone for a week." She takes my phone aggressively. Noooo what am I supposed to do now.

Time passes by*
9:20 p.m.

I finally get out my room feeling like I've been their for days and find something to eat.

I remembered that my brother Aiden was laughing at me getting my ass beat. Mmm, I go up to his room and slowly open his squeaky door. I see his nightlight and take it. I run down stairs and pretend that never happened.

"AHHHHH BRITNEY!" I hear yelling come from Aidens room. I'm laughing so hard, my stomach hurts.

I hear my dad yell "Britney give it to him." Knowing I always do that to him. I told Aiden to come downstairs in the kitchen and I'll only give it to him if he plays a board game with me. "Fine!" I give it to him and he pulls a board game out the closet.

Monopoly, his favorite one. We start playing for 10 mins, I look to my right and see my older brother Eddie.

"Eddie play with us!"
Aiden says with a smile on his face. Aiden always looked up to Eddie, they never really fought and had a good bond.

"Yeah play with us!" I say in a convincing voice. Eddie rolls his eyes and say "Okay but only for a little bit." "Yayyy!" Aiden says smiling. I laugh and we play for 10 mins like Eddie said.

A whole hour goes by of us playing random
Board games*

"Okay I think it's time for both of you to go to bed." Eddie says. "But it's only 10:40." I say looking at my brother with puppy eyes. "No you guys have school tomorrow." He said with a firm voice. "Fine okay."

"Goodnight guys!" I say to my brothers while going upstairs. "Sweet dreams!" Both of them said. We all go upstairs and go to our beds. I jump on my bed and lay down thinking "I miss Tom" I try to get it off my mind and fall asleep.

Hellar guys 😭 anyways this was short but I'm trying my best to post more parts quickly. & thank you risa for reading my story/ keeping up with it💘 hope you guys enjoyed and please vote 🤍🤍🤍

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