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"Awww..." Ash said gently, "she's asleep."

Luna sat up a little, looking over her sister curiously as she lay asleep in Ash's lap.

"Is she okay?" Luna said.

"Yeah," Ash responded. "Now she is. Poor thing."

"Did she have a bad dream, too?" she asked shyly.

Ash looked over to her. "Yeah, I think so. Why?"

"I didn't give her one..." Luna whispered quietly. "Does that mean she's still sad...?"

"Yeah..." Ash said, brushing his fingers through Meadow's hair. "Yeah, I guess so."

Luna looked down to Meadow then. "Ash..." she whispered, "she's not asleep."

He looked down to her. "She's not?"

"No," Luna said, "I think she's drifting in and out."

Ash tucked some hair behind Meadow's ear to find her staring lazily at his chest.

"You look dead," he commented, chuckling at her blank stare.

She turned her face into his neck as a response and he chuckled at this.

"Are you hungry...?" she murmured slurring slightly.

"Eh," he said, "kind of."

She started getting off his lap, but he pulled her back on, making her give him a lazy glare. "What?"

"Let me thank you," he said, brushing his hands down her arms.

She shook her head. "For what?"

"For waking me up this morning, for taking care of us."

She rolled her eyes then. "You don't need to thank me."

"Yes, I do," he argued, then a mischievous smile crept onto his expression, "and if you get off my lap, I'll pull you back on."

"If you pull me back on, I'm going to punch you in your not-so-favorite place."

Luna was just watching this encounter curiously.

"Ooh," he said, drawing back while feigning surprise, "is that a threat or a promise?"

She gave him a look. "I hate you."

"You sure about that?" he said curiously.

"Yeah," she said, starting to slide off, "I'm pretty sure."

He caught her arm and she glared at him again. "Your eyes dart to the right when you're lying, Sweetheart," he stated.

She pulled out of his grip and got up. "Your charm is sickening."

"Sickeningly sweet?" he said.

She shot him another look. "How do you always manage to turn my words into something that would heighten your ego?"

"What's an ego...?" Luna said.

"Because I have that special magic power," he responded to Meadow, "and you can't rid of it, Princess."

"I hate you times ten," she stated.

"Liar, you love me times ten."

"You're a moron," she said then.

"Everyone has a little moron in them, Meadow," he responded, "even you."

She decided to continue the argument, attempting to see if he'd falter. "You're so self-centered that you could kill someone with your vein words."

The Eleventh Hour (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now