53 - That poor computer...

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Cameron leaned an arm on the top of the car when he lowered his gaze to Winter who was intently pounding on the keyboard of her laptop.

"Jesus," he said, catching her attention, "at this rate you're going to pierce the keys right through the bottom."

She glanced up at him. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm writing a very cool scene, and it's taking all of my focus."

He smiled at this. "Which scene?"

She glanced up at him. "You'll have to buy it and see, won't you?"

He chuckled, glancing around. "Where's the kid?"

Winter pointed a thumb to the back. "Back there, she's been helping me with words and stuff."

Cameron glanced at the backseat, finding Luna leaning slightly over the passenger side and watching Winter's computer intently.

"A five-year-old's helping an almost nineteen-year-old write a book?" he said.

Luna glanced at him with a bored look in her eyes. "I'm not a normal child, Cameron."

"You're human," he stated. "Sounds pretty normal to me."

Winter almost choked.

"What?" he this. "Why are you laughing at me?"

She glanced back up at him, a smile curving her lips. "You're so oblivious."


"I'm an angel," Luna told him. "Not necessarily an archangel, but an angel, nevertheless. I'm adopted just like Meadow was."

Cameron paused. "Hold up... How are you an angel?"

"Show him," Winter told her, still pounding on her keyboard.

Luna glanced up at him and smiled. "You walked into Ember and Max after they just had sex and are stalling so they have time to put their clothes on."

Winter choked again and shot her head up. "What? Did you-"

"No, he didn't knock," Luna said, "and no, he didn't give them a heads up that we were coming, just barged right in to find them naked and sleeping."

Cameron cleared his throat, leaning against the car with a smile on his face. "You're good, aren't you? I've never seen a little girl look so normal and also be a mind-reader."

"How are you even ignoring what you just found?" Winter questioned, blushing. "It's like you're not even fazed at all."

"He's not," Luna said. "He thinks it's highly impossible to embarrass him."

"'Thinks?'" he echoed.

"Everyone gets embarrassed, Cameron," Luna stated. "Even though it's subconscious, you still get embarrassed."

He pointed a finger at her. "I liked it better when you were quiet, missy."

She giggled.

"Hey!" called from a distance, and all three of them gazed up to find Meadow and Ash walking toward them, Meadow waving her arms as if to get their attention.

"I think they're here," Winter stated.

Cameron gave her an annoyed look before returning to step over to his sister, locking her in his arms and pulled back, shaking Ash's hand seconds later.

"Where's Luna?" Meadow said.

The fair-haired girl came running to them and hopped into her sister's arms, making Meadow laugh softly as she held her up by her bottom.

"Found her," Ash said, chuckling.

"If you're both not busy," Cameron said, "it would be nice if you could stay for dinner."

Ash and Meadow exchanged a look, and Ash responded, "Sure, there's not really anything else we're doing tonight."

"Great!" Cameron said excitedly, then the emotion faltered. "Oh, but, um...."

"It's okay," Luna told him, making all of them glance at her. "They're ready."

"What did she mean by that?" Meadow questioned.

Ash put his hand on her shoulder. "Sometimes, Sweetheart, you don't want to read too much into situations unless you're ready for the worst results."

"Right," Cameron said, clearly understanding that Ash knew. "What he said."

Winter got out of the car then, rolling her eyes. "Why do you guys always have the same mindset?"

"'Cause we're amazing," Cameron stated.

"That's so sexist," Winter responded.

Ash chuckled, catching Meadow by her arm. "C'mon, I know you're hungry."

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