11 - Snooping

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Meadow's lashes parted, and she immediately winced when she was blinded by sunlight beaming through a window above her.

She rolled over on the mattress, letting out a heavy sigh as all exhaustion depleted from her system.

Jesus... she felt weighed. How long was she asleep for?

She sat up on the mattress then, looking around the room curiously while letting out a long yawn.

The moment she realized she wasn't in her room, her yawn cut off.

What the hell...?

Did Ash... really take her?

He was real?

The walls were white; mostly bare. There was a single painting on the wall on the right that contained some kind of abstract art, though there were no colors, it was just silver and white lines.

She scanned the room cautiously, finding no one there.

Just dressers, nightstands, and on the right, there was a door that she could tell was a bathroom; because on the left of the room there were a pair of double, and she knew that it was a closet.

When her eyes settled on a closed door which clearly was an exit, so she slipped her legs off the bed and padded over to it, turning the knob and opened it.

Oh, good. So, she wasn't locked in here.

Meadow then decided to do some snooping, so she shut the door again and opened the closet to find nothing in there; just some empty hangers dangling off the rack.


So, she wandered off to the bathroom and switched on the light, finding nothing but some silver towels hung on a rack and a stone shower.

It didn't look lived in at all.

She wiped her eyes lazily and looked back up to see if it was still empty.

It was all the same.

She then decided to step over to the dresser and open the top drawer, expecting to find it bare, too.

But it wasn't empty.

There were some clothes in here; white, silky dresses; some red ones, too. They all looked kind of fashionable and for special occasions.

She lifted a sparkly silver dress out of the drawer and held it to her body, looking down at herself to see it was her size.

Once again... odd.

So, she folded it neatly back into the drawer and decided she was done looking in this odd room, and slowly opened the bedroom door to a soundless hallway.

"Hello?" she called into the silence.

There was no response.

So, she just quietly closed the bedroom door and started down the right of the hall, scratching a small itch on her neck while she looked around curiously.

The walls were also bare, though they were painted a really gorgeous silver; the floors were covered in white marble that reflected her figure easily.

She continued until she another room, though it was an open space.

The floors and walls were still the same, though this room continued on the left unlike the hallway.

In front of her was a black, leather sofa with a wooden coffee table resting in front of it, and on the wall, it looked like a sixteen-inch TV stretched across the silver paint, and next to it was a door of some sort.

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