23 - Disgusting... egh...

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Two minutes after Meadow woke from the nightmare, she found herself pacing her room as she tried to get out of her own head, but actually put on a tank top and some leggings first; her other clothes were too hot.

The white-eyed boy said minor things... and it was a dream.

Why did it scare the crap out of her?

It clearly wasn't a memory, she wasn't little. Ash wasn't there... it was like... a vision or something.

River always lay with you on the couch when you had nightmares, a part of her said.

Yeah, she responded to it, but she's not here, is she?

Ash is, it said within seconds.

I can't disturb him this late! she said back.

All you need is another presence, it responded. Just lay on the floor or something. I know he told you not to, but he won't know unless he wakes up, right?

She paused.

I guess your right.

After a long sigh, she went to her door and pried it open, making her way down the halls as sweat slid down her temples.

She always found it odd she had conversations with herself, but really did nothing to stop it. She'd argue with herself like both her and the other were an old couple, and it never occurred to her that she was talking to herself until the argument was over.

When she made it to the living room, she stopped mid-step.

Cedric was sitting on the couch, arm stretched across the backrest as he lay slightly limp.

Was he asleep or something?

But that's when she saw something next to him, and her brows raised when her eyes locked on the young, black-haired girl.

She was kissing Cedric's neck quite passionately... but Meadow's eyes widened when she saw little fangs poking out of the girl's lips.

For a second, Meadow thought he was dead, but the vampire girl looked up to Meadow as she stood still, and she gazed back at Cedric, whispering, "Oh, qui est cette fille?"

He looked up at her words, making Meadow exhale a bit of panic.

So, she guessed there were good vampires... or... her type of vampires.

She didn't even know what to call them...

"Oh, look who it is," he said back, smiling slyly. Then whispered to the girl, "C'est ma colocataire."

What were they talking about?

As if he had a tunnel to Meadow's thoughts, Cedric said, "She asked who you were, I told her you were my roommate." He sank back into the couch and the vampire girl returned to kissing his neck quite hungrily. "How are you this fine morning, Meadow?"

Her gut sank in her stomach with disgust, but she still responded sarcastically, "Worse now."

He chuckled. " say that until you try it. Wanna join?"

"Hard pass."

"Mmm," he said, lashes lowering and casting spider-like shadows down his cheeks. He smiled up at Meadow when the girl proceeded to lightly scrape her teeth on his jaw, gently licking the skin seconds later. "You sure, Meadow?"

She glared. "Pretty sure, yeah."

He chuckled. "Your loss."

He gasped then, looking down to the girl with amusement when she drew back. "Facile, Facile. Nous ne sommes pas encore dans la salle. Être patient."

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