59 - The world's in danger

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Somewhat long chapter ahead!

"I'm, Queen Lillian," the girl said as everyone in the room stood, "and this is my husband, Jason. But you just call us Lily and Jason, we're no strangers."

"Yeah," Jason responded, chuckling. "Both of us even hate these outfits."

"Seriously," Lily said, "how did the maids get this from, 'not flashy?'"

They both chuckled and stared back in the room. "May we come in, Meadow Collins?"

Meadow nodded numbly. "Umm, yes. Yes, you may."

Lily and Jason came into the room gradually, Lily glancing around curiously as she gazed around the room. "Wow, I love the set up. Really, I do. It's beautiful, Ash, is it?"

"Uh, yes," he uttered, "yes, thank you."

Everyone else stayed silent.

"So, uh," Lily said, "where's your sister, Meadow?"

"My sister?" Meadow said, then realization slapped her in the face. "Oh, she's right here."

Lily gazed down to Luna who was sleepily resting her head on Meadow's shoulder.

"Aw," Lily said, smiling softly, "I didn't even see her, she was so still."

"She's tired," Meadow said, glancing down at Luna as she sat on the couch with her.

Lily glanced at the other seven people who remained standing. "Well, don't be shy, people," she said, "go sit down. We have things to talk about."

Ash went to sit beside Meadow while the other six sat scattered along the dining table.

"I'm, Lily," she said again, smiling, "and I urge you, please don't be shy around me, I'm not going to murder your puppies if you call me dude."

"Although, that would be pretty fun," Jason stated.

She shot a look at him, and he smiled.

Their relationship is just like all of ours, Meadow thought. They're just normal people.

"Anyway," Lily said, gazing back down at everyone, all play gone, "I have some horrid news."

The room seemed to silence even more, not even the sounds of crickets from outside filled the air.

"Look," Lily said, "everyone. All of you are in danger. Every single one."

Meadow heard a bunch of seats shifting, indicating that everyone was listening.

"Elijah wants you all dead," Lily explained. "I'd tell you to hide, but I know you can't forever. What I'm going to say is that he's dangerous; he wants all powerful races dead."

"How did you know that?" Max questioned, startled.

Lily gazed up at him sadly. "Elijah played me like he did all of you. He pretended to be my military leader and brainwashed my army. Jason and I had to hide after."

"But..." Winter said more to herself, "why would he do all of this?"

"He loved my father," Lily explained. "Looked up to him, really."

"Who...?" Winter said.

"Damian," Lily responded. "Lucifer is my real father, but Damian was his wolf."

Everyone froze, and it seemed as if the air thickened, because Meadow could feel herself start sweating.

"Meadow..." Lily said then, kneeling in front of the girl, "I must take care of Luna. You will be gone for a while, and it is necessary that we keep her safe."

The Eleventh Hour (FINISHED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant