2 - He went to... what now?

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"Wha..." Meadow said, eyes shooting from the boy, to the pile of ashes, and to the boy again. "What...?"

The mysterious teen spun the dagger in his hand like a baton, only ending up resting the blade on his shoulder lazily.

Despite his smile, he didn't look particularly amused.

"You ruined my deal," he stated with his brows raised. "It's rude to spy on people, you know."

Meadow managed to push her hands onto the ground and stand despite her scalp aching. "Who are you?" She glanced around. "And where did he go?"

"He went to hell," the boy responded boldly despite her confused look. "And who are you? You're not really supposed to see us, so that means you're not who you seem." He waved to her. "What's your name, then?"

"M... Meadow," she responded.

"Sounds familiar," he responded, eyes raking her. "I'm Ash. Nice to meet you, Meadow."

"Your name doesn't sound familiar," she commented, lying through her teeth. "And I've never seen you before."

He chuckled as if he could tell she was bending the truth.

"What was he?" she questioned, staring down at the pile of ash while she rubbed her scalp with her free hand. She looked up to Ash. "How did he burn like that? And when you say hell, you meant that metaphorically, right?"

"He burned with magic," Ash stated, tipping his head to the side. "But should know that, Princess."

Something cold formed in her chest. "No," she said, "magic doesn't exist. Are you messing with me?"

His eyes her expression thoughtfully. "Curious."

"Where are you from?" Meadow said then. "You have an accent."

His lips tilted. "I do?"

"Yeah," she responded, "you sound British."

He smiled, though not a kind one.

"Who are you?" Meadow questioned. "What are you?"

He leaned forward and booped her nose, making her draw back in shock. "I know you," he said then, as if just realizing. "Oh, yes, it all makes sense now."

"I honestly don't know you," she responded. "And don't touch me."

"You will," he said, ignoring her second comment. "Tomorrow."

She blinked. "What?"

"See you, Meadow." And he started to the door, but she caught his arm, making him look back to her.

"Hold on," she said almost too quickly. "I don't understand."

"And I have demons to kill," he responded. "Do you honestly mind?"

She looked down to where she held his wrist, letting go almost angrily.

He waved. "Bye." And he disappeared outside the door.

She stared after him, confusion coiling inside her.

After she regained a little of her thought process, she ran after him by darting out the door.

Only to find him gone.

How could he have left the entire building? He left two seconds ago!

After she took a deep breath, she made her way back to Willow and Coal who were both dancing in the crowd.

Well... Willow was. Coal was just standing there and watching her in amusement.

His eyes shifted to Meadow when she stopped next to Willow, and he bumped Meadow's shoulder. "Find him?"

"Did Willow tell you?"

"About invisible man?" He nodded. "Yep. So did you find him?"

She shifted her weight onto her other foot. "Yeah."


She gave him a quizzical look. "Did you seriously not see him?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Meadow stared back at the broom closet where she encountered the mysterious boy.

Who was he?

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