*♡~Ch.18 - Sweet Hibiscus Tea~♡*

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Marco POV:

I walked home by myself after Tom left. It was pretty lonely. While I was doing my homework, Star finally showed up from school. We ate dinner and then I went to bed. Pretty normal day, I guess. Except, I couldn't stop thinking about what Tom said. "It's just that I love you so much." Does he love me? I couldn't help thinking to myself. Do I love him? I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I couldn't fall asleep that night until eventually, sweet sleep came to me, 5 minutes before my alarm.

When I woke up "the next morning," I felt like crap. I had dark circles under my eyes and my hair was a disaster. Luckily, it was a Saturday and I could just waste the day doing nothing. Unfortunately, the night before I forgot to turn off my alarm so I woke up bright and early at 6:45 and couldn't fall back asleep.

After I showered and drank some espresso, which tasted disgusting, I was feeling a lot better. I decided to spend the day doing absolutely nothing in my room and falling asleep at 7:30.

Star POV:

As we ate our sandwiches, a conversation started up and we started to get to know each other. I explained my intention, which had been to leave notes and a trail of rose petals, which changed to just asking, which changed to grabbing her arm aggressively and dragging her in.

We walked together outside of the building, in a fit of giggles, after being kicked out by the janitor.

Jackie suddenly asked me, "Hey, do you want to ride on my skateboard?" I blushed before quickly agreeing.

It was mystical as the wind rushed through my hair and I held on tightly to Jackie's waist. The trees next to us became a blur as we rode swiftly into the park. Eventually, we decided to just walk. We laughed and talked, looking at the rustling, yellow leaves of the trees as autumn slowly approached. As we sat down on a bench, gazing at the myriad of bright beautiful colors painted onto the sky, the realization hit me that I needed to get home.


"Yeah, Star?"

"Um, I need to get home..." she glanced down at her watch and mumbled "Crap," before looking at me again.

Her blue eyes sparkled under the glow of the setting sun. "Wanna ride back?"

I nodded eagerly as I jumped onto the back of her skateboard, relishing the close proximity we were in, my hands wrapped around her waist and my head resting on her shoulder.

When I got home, Marco surprisingly didn't ask any questions. I'm pretty sure he was on cloud nine, with that lovesick expression on his face.

A/N: I almost forgot to update this chapter! My dad has been sick with pneumonia and the rest of my family has a cold with a really bad cough so I've been struggling a little bit to keep my life in balance. Nonetheless, I hope your day is as sublime as you are!

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