*♡~Ch.2 - The Boy With The Chocolate Hair~♡*

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Tom's POV:

Two months had passed and I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was everything to me. A boy I hardly know. The only thing that I noticed about him, other than his brown eyes and charming suit, was his chocolate hair. It was messy, but so beautiful. I wish I knew who he was, I thought to myself before I was startled by a call from Star.

"Hey, Star!"

"TOM! You'll NEVER believe what I found out!"

"What is it?"

"The hosts of the blood moon ball have a record of all of the people who attended! That means that-"

"I can finally figure out who he is!"

We talked for quite a while before the subject of Marco came up.

"I'm really worried about him, Tom."

"What's the matter?"

"His grades have been going down in school, he is starting to ignore people, and he never gets any sleep. Also, whenever anyone mentions you, he either changes the subject or leaves."

"That's weird..."

"Anyways, we need to go to the hosts! Do you know who they were?"

"Of course! It was the Hobbs! Good friends of my parents."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

When we finally arrived at their house, we were shocked at how beautiful it was. We went inside and asked for the guest list. They instantly knew why. The husbands handed over the paper and we went back to Star's room to read the guest list. It read:



Stewartrit Satanlexander

Star Butterfly

Tom Lucitor

"Look! There we are!" Star said happily as she pointed to our names.

"Yeah," I replied and kept reading.




Marco Diaz

"Marco was at the Blood Moon Ball? Maybe something happened there and that's why he's acting so weird!"

"Makes sense."




Wifang Evilna

Rilow Evilwis

Dracdiaz Kosmos

Kennetor Kosjohnson

After reading the entire guest list, I still couldn't decide who it was. We decided to do some investigation. We looked up every one of the guests and printed out a picture of them. We slowly but surely eliminated everyone until there were only three people left:

Marco Diaz

Dracdiaz Kosmos

Rilow Evilwis

"You really think that it could be Marco?" I said, astounded.

"Of course! He went to the ball, has brown hair and eyes, and has been acting off since the dance!"

"Doesn't that mean that he hated dancing with me? Like, why else would he be so traumatized?"

"Oh...I didn't think about that. I'm sure it's fine."

We then headed towards Marco's room. Just before I knocked on the door, Star told me, "Hey, I have to go to the bathroom, see ya!"

"No, Star-" I whispered, but it was too late. I had already knocked.

My knock was responded to by a groan.

"Hey, it's Tom."

Marco's POV:

I had been sleeping all the time, skipping classes, not doing homework, and generally overthinking the whole matter. "What does it mean to have your soul tied to someone else's?", "Did the ball even happen, or did I imagine it?", and "Do I like Tom?" These were just a few questions that swarmed through his mind during his waking hours. So, instead of being an awake and productive human being, he avoided consciousness at all times. His peaceful dream about Tom was interrupted by knocking. I assumed it was Star. I mean, who else would knock on my door? I responded by groaning loudly, indicating that she woke me up. Instead of her usual response of "Oh, I'm sorry, Marco. Sleep well!", I heard something I never expected to hear in a million years:

"Hey, it's Tom."

I instantly shot up in my bed and nearly fainted. I hadn't been conscious for over 24 hours and suddenly, my whole body started to attack me. I had to go to the bathroom really badly, I was very lightheaded due to dehydration and lack of food, I had a pounding headache from all the all-nighters I had been pulling recently, and I was freaking out because the person that made me like this was right outside my room.

"Uh, one second! I have to... get dressed!" I yelled to him as I ran to the bathroom and got into a slightly better state. I splashed some water on my face, drank some water, went to the bathroom, got changed into different sweats, and took some ibuprofen for my headache. I opened the door and nearly died. How could this have happened?

Star's POV:

i love marco

Tom's POV:

After a second of waiting for a response, I heard, "Uh, one second! I have to... get dressed!"

I waited outside his door for about a minute or so when he came up to the door and opened it. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Hey, are-are you okay? Did I scare you? I'm sorry, it wasn't purposeful-"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little surprised that you're still here."

"Well, of course, I was going to wait for you. I need to talk to you."

I walked into his room and sat on his desk chair as he sat down on his bed.

"As you probably know, I was danced with by a random guy at the Blood Moon Ball about two months ago. And no one knows who it was. On the guest list, it says you attended. You fit the description of him perfectly. All I ask of you is to put this printout of the basic shape and design of the mask he was wearing on your face to see if it was, in fact, you."

He nodded silently and I handed him the image. He put it over his face and I gasped. I was filled with memories of the night that felt as clear as day. He quickly dropped the picture down and kicked me out of his room and locked the door.

It was him.

A/N: Hey you guys! Thank you for reading this fanfiction. If you would like a shoutout in my next chapter, I will give you one! Hope your day is as lovely as you are! Bye!

A/N: I just realized that I switched from third person to first person at the beginning and I'm really sorry!! I will update that soon!

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