*♡~Ch.6 - Star~♡*

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A/N: Hello! I just want to say that I'm going to be changing the way I write stories. I realized that you guys probably don't want to read basically the same thing twice in a row, so for certain parts, you will get Marco's POV and for certain parts, you will get Tom's POV. If you'd rather me not change it, please comment here so your voice is heard. It might take a couple of chapters, but I will revert back to how it used to be. (sorry for the long A/N! I love to write and talk)

Tom's POV:

"Uhm... sure? I mean, I like you, and you like me, so let's try it out."

"okAy!" Marco's voice cracked and I had to stifle a laugh. I forgot that happened to humans.

We talked awkwardly for a little while before I left to go home.

Star's POV:

I lay crying on my bed. I just fought with Tom. I can't believe how much we yelled at one another. I didn't realize I was that angry. And, now my best friend, and crush, was just soul-bonded with another dude. What am I doing with my life? I thought to myself. I just cause problems for other people. I'm such a burden. No wonder my parents sent me here. I'm a failure. I heard a knock at my door. I wiped the tears off my face and sat up in my bed.

"Hey Star, it's me. Are you okay? I made nachos..."

I quickly collected myself. "Yeah, you can come in. I'm just tired."

Marco walked in with a plate of hot nachos and sat down on my bed. "Star, are you sure you're alright? I'm here to listen..."

"I told you, I'm fine! What more do I have to say for you to believe me?!"

"Okay, I get the point. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

Great, I thought. I just kicked out the person I love the most. I can't believe he likes Tom. Tom Lucitor. Tom Lucitor, my obsessive ex invited me to go to the ball with him only to dance with my best friend who I have a crush on. I took a bite of the nachos and set them on my night table. I turned off my lights and tried to sleep but to no avail. I began to quietly cry once more. The salty tears ran down my face and onto my pillow as I tried to stifle my sobs.

A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope your day is as lovely as you are!

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