*♡~Ch.16 - Washing Machine Heart~♡*

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Tom POV:

Marco and I began walking home from school with Star. Suddenly, she interrupted the silence.

"I forgot something! You guys can go without me."

"You sure you don't want us to wait for you?" Marco replied.

"Oh no, it's fine. I'll probably take forever anyway... Bye, guys!" With that, she ran off to the school.

"Okay then..." I said, suspicious of her behavior. Marco grabbed my hand and pulled me along as he started running. I quickly forgot about Star as I followed Marco, laughing as he steered us towards an ice cream shop.

Star POV:

A crazy idea popped into my head while I was brushing my teeth in the morning. I thought about it while I was getting ready, and then the rest of the day. I knew that it could get me in loads of trouble and was probably not the best thing to do. At all. I still wanted to go through with it. But I couldn't.

I decided I wouldn't do it, but still brought everything just in case I changed my mind. By the end of the day, I had thought about all the consequences and I knew that I wouldn't do it. I began walking home with Tom and Marco. Suddenly, a feeling rushed through my body and I decided that I should just do it.

After I excused myself from the two lovebirds, I ran back to school and into an empty classroom. I closed the blinds and shut off all the lights. I grabbed the rose, candles, and lighter from my backpack and slowly lit the candles one by one. I placed the rose into a small vase and set it down on one of the desks. I admired my work for a minute before walking outside the classroom. I panicked as I saw Jackie rushing by and at the last second, I grabbed Jackie's arm and pulled her into the dimly lit room.

Tom POV:

Once we got to the ice cream "store", I realized that it was actually a food truck. I chose a simple mint chocolate chip ice cream, while Marco ordered a peach and vanilla double scoop with marshmallow drizzle.

After we got our ice cream, we walked over to the nearby park and opted to sit under one of the big trees surrounding the area.

"Can I try some of yours?" I asked Marco.

"Of course!" I scooped a small serving of ice cream from his cone and shoved it in my mouth, excited to try such an interesting flavor.

"Wow! This is really good! How did you come up with this flavor combo?"

"Years and years of taste-testing the infinite flavors," he said, dramatically. That made me laugh. Probably more than it should've.

"Oh, c'mon, it wasn't that funny!"

"I know." It's just that I love you so much, I thought to myself.

Marco looked at me, shocked, as a deep shade of rose crept up onto his cheeks. To my horror, I realized I must've said my thoughts out loud. I slapped a hand to my mouth as I felt the heat rushing to my face.

"I gotta gay- I MEAN GO!" I awkwardly stuttered as I stepped through a wall of flames, going back to my dimension.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter! I know it has a weird title, but it's another song reference. I finally escaped from my writer's block! It's been forever since I've been able to write something that I'm proud of, so I truly hope that you enjoy this chapter! Anyway, I hope your day is truly as smashing as you are!

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