~48~: The start of the war

Start from the beginning

"I know. However they must think we are fools to fall for this!"

"It's the foolish king we are talking about."

"Yet he managed to create something like this. He must have had help."

"Do you think that the magic tower is behind this?"

"I highly doubt that. They will come and aid as later on. We just have to hold out."

"How long till they come and how many of them?"

"The tower master and his disciple as well as around 100 mages will come."

"Wow... that is a number."

"Indeed but they are our allies so stop spouting nonsense."

"I am sorry father."

No matter how the duke looked at the documents in front of him, he couldn't understand why the king was ready to do something like this. If this was all because of a prophecy then he could have called for them and then executed them to bring daylight in front of everyone. Yet they always send a spy or an assassin, never dirtying their hands but doing everything in secret. What was that the king feared? This question was laying heavy on the duke's mind. They knew the reason as to why the king was attacking them but they had no idea why he chose to do it in this roundabout way.

A heavy sigh came out of the duke's mouth, he didn't want to lose this many soldiers and even if he had this strikt image, he himself was a soft hearted person. If he could avoid war, then he would have considered another way. They knew how it was to live in a place where beasts were common. The people in the duchy were thankful to the dukes family but they were also scared of them for the same reasons everyone else was. They feared the crown more than the duchy's people and it was no secret that the crown despised the dragon's descendants.


"There will be a lot of lives on the stake here. We cannot lose this war."

"I understand father but you shouldn't worry about this! They have us to protect this land. This is our own mission after all."

"I see you didn't slack off as much as you did with the other lessons compared to Oliver."

"Well our family story is something else than the succession lessons."

"Yes indeed. Our family is tasked to protect the people of this land and the land itself as this was the wish of our very first father."

"We will do it!"

"You seem rather confident in yourself."

"I am, father. I trust in your ability to lead us to victory as well as our brother's wisdom."


"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you are right. There is only one option here anyways."

As the duke was talking to his son and preparing his mind, a messenger suddenly came into the end. He had a magical bird in his arms and a letter as well. It seemed as if there was news coming from the magic tower and he hoped that these news were good news since he in fact wasn't so sure that they could win this war. Their numbers were great but what would numbers do if there were powerful beasts his men wouldn't be able to take down?

"Duke Underwood, a messenger arrived from the magic tower."

"Let me see."

The solder handed the letter over to the duke. It was one where only the recipient would be able to read the letter. Since this was a war, the magic tower would of course make sure that no one besides the right owner of this letter would get the information.

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