"So no matter how good the food is, I suggest you don't recommend it to anyone." Dino said.

"Let's just be selfish and keep it for ourselves, honestly." Added Minghao, making you laugh a little.

"I don't mind being selfish over good foods." You high-fived Minghao.

Heavy traffic conditions make you almost forty minutes late. The other members who had arrived earlier at eight PM had already started grilling the meat. Joshua deftly parked his white car then one by one you guys got out to walk towards the restaurant.

"Is everyone here already?" You asked Joshua, wondering if one of the parked cars is Jeonghan's.

"Yeah, we're the last one to arrive." Joshua slightly groan, feeling hungry already.

You can smell the delicious aroma the moment the door is pushed open. From the front area, you still have to walk all the way to the back where the VIP room is.

"You guys better spare us some mea--" Dino's loud voice quickly fade away as soon as he slid the sliding door aside.

"What's u-- Whoa, whoa, WHOA." Dokyeom also give an odd reaction after he sneaked up beside Dino.

From behind the taller figure, you peek over their shoulder. Seeing what was going on inside, you now understand why they both reacted the way they did. What you witness in an instant changes your emotions significantly. You shouldn't feel anything but you couldn't help it--shock, disbelief, denial, all mixed together.

Your eyes met Jeonghan's eyes--Jeonghan who was being kissed by Rena. Rena was in a position with her back to you, her hands holding Jeonghan's cheeks. Your feet seem to move on their own, stepping backwards until you accidentally step on the feet of the person behind you.

You feel a grip on your shoulders, turning you around. As soon as your eyes were no longer on Jeonghan, your tears begin to fall. The more you try to hide them by looking down, the faster they flow.

"Sorry- stomachache." You try your best to finish your sentence without breaking your voice, "Toilet, be right back."

As soon as you get to the toilet you wash your face with cold water. Your bloodshot eyes stare back at you from the mirror reflection. Bad assumptions haunt your mind--did Jeonghan deliberately invite you to show that he's happier than when he was with you. Or does he want to make fun of you who apparently still can't move on from him.

"Y/N? Can you come out for a sec?" In a calmer state, now you can recognize Seungcheol's voice.

"Sorry, I'll be there soon. My stomach--"

"Don't worry, no one's here." He added, "You can come out and talk to me. I know it's not a stomachache."

Even though his words were convincing enough, you're still not ready to face anyone. It feels like you will only bother them with your situation. So you leaned against the toilet door, feeling stupid because a few hours ago you were so impatient to meet Jeonghan.

Seungcheol knocked on the door again, and again, and again. He purposely kept on knocking until you gave up and finally slowly opened the door.

"Fine- fine! Stop knocking, good grief." Your head starts to throb.

Seeing your messy face, Seungcheol can only shake his head while giving you his handkerchief. He even directs you to remove the remnants of eyeliner that still has traces in the corners of your eyes.

"Did anyone else noticed?" You ask as you put Seungcheol's handkerchief in your pocket, "I'll wash it first." You added.

Seungcheol shook his head at your question, "I don't think so. I told them you seemed to have a verrry bad stomachache before I came here." He said, then nodded at your offer to wash his handkerchief.

You start to feel awkward when you notice a suspicious look from the way Seungcheol looks at you.

"..What? Just spill it out already." Your eyes roamed here and there, not wanting to stare at him for too long.

"A few days ago I heard a rumor--Well I thought it was a rumor at that time." Seungcheol started to speak, "But from the way you reacted earlier, I don't think it's just a rumor." He squinted his eyes at you.

"And...? What did you hear?" You raise your eyebrows.

"That you guys dated before." Seungcheol stated clearly, "Your ex boyfriend is Yo--"

"Is who?"

Both you and Seungcheol turned your heads very quickly to the same direction when a third person chimed in into the conversation. Knowing that there is a possibility that Joshua overheard your conversation is nothing compared to the panic you feel when you see another figure also present next to Joshua.

That person was none other than the person Seungcheol was talking about. Your ex-boyfriend, Yoon Jeonghan.

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