"We don't have the best relationship" I muttered. "Oh I know" she said. "Nova, I just....just tell me what he told you last night" I said.

"Why should I?" she asked. "Because – Because....." I trailed off. I took a deep breath.

"Why do you treat him so bad? All he asks for is love" she said. "I didn't know they treated him like that" I replied.

"So he told you?"

"No. It's just that, last week he went to his parents' house and–"

"You sent him" she cut me off, "YOU sent him to that hellhole."

Come to think of it, I did. I was the one who said I wasn't happy with our marriage.

I was the one who blamed Callum and said he was the reason our marriage wasn't working.

And now, now he had suffered so much because of me. I was guilty, definitely.

"Nova please, I just need to know what he told you"


"Because I-I saw marks on his body. A-Abuse marks. I need to know how he got them"

She looked at me skeptically before sighing. "You really want to know? It will hurt" she said. I nodded. "Just tell me" I begged.

"So much Irene. They did so much to him this time. It's like, they tortured him for the entire 5 years together"

"This had been going on earlier?"

"Every day before your marriage. Verbally, physically and mentally. They broke him in every way"


"Callum's mom died giving birth to him. His father blamed him for it and his step mother Sandra is just cruel"

"Sandra's his step mother?!" I asked in shock. I didn't even know his real mother was dead.

Nova looked at me puzzled. "Do you know ANYTHING about your husband?" I looked down in shame. I didn't.

She sighed before continuing.

"Even his brother and sister help in torturing him. But this time, they crossed all limits."

"What do you mean?"

"His brother Walter he....he sexually abused Callum."

For a moment, I felt as if the world stopped moving. "I'm sorry?" I asked, wondering if I heard wrong.

"He forced Callum to do....sexual acts with him" Nova said. "What are you saying?" my voice was a whisper of shock.

"Callum said that Walter used to tie him up and fuck his mouth until he was pleased. Apparently, Walter's gay" Nova said.

"That's not an explanation!" I shouted. "Don't scream. It's not gonna change the fact that it happened" she said calmly.

I relaxed myself and then asked, "What else?"

"He was threatened to keep your guys' marriage working. Even if it meant treating you as a queen."

No wonder Callum was acting like that all around me, like I was his queen and he was my slave.

"Can I ask something?" Nova questioned. I nodded. "Why don't you love him? He's such a sweet soul" she said.

"Because he's greedy" I murmured. But she caught it. "Greedy and Callum don't go together honey. What do you mean?" she asked.

I told him how Callum got 10% of the company's profit yearly and still asked for more. Nova eyes widened and then anger took over her.

"So you just assumed?!" she shouted. I flinched. I don't usually flinch, but she was my first ever dominant. It's still intimidating sometimes.

"I mean I just–"

"No Irene! You have no idea what you have done! You deprived him of love and care for 5 years and he didn't even do anything!"

"He's greedy!" I reasoned.

"No he's not! He doesn't get a single penny out of the 10% profit. It all goes to his cruel family. That's why they want your marriage to work out!"

I sat there processing what she just said. "W-what?" I stuttered. She sighed.

"They take it all. He doesn't get anything. All he lives on, is his salary. And he doesn't even get the right amount for that" she said.

A huge wave of guilt and regret washed over me as she said that.

Everything I thought, had been wrong. All my assumptions; all my accusations. All wrong!

And who had been the victim of it? Callum. Callum, who didn't even do anything!

"I need to go" I said as I stood up. "You definitely need to" Nova stood up with me. "Apologize to him" she said and I nodded.

I rushed out to my car. Before I could drive away, I heard Nova screaming, "Tell me what happens!"

Oh god, what have I done! At this point, I just needed to get to Callum no matter what.

I will get to him, and I will apologize to him. My heart beat picked up speed as I drove. Tonight was going to be....interesting.

A Kinky Marriage ArrangementWhere stories live. Discover now