"I'm fine really. D-don't worry" he said, putting his hand up to stop me. "You need rest Callum" I said.

"W-what do you want to eat?" he asked again. I watched as his body swayed yet again and his legs twisted. If not for the wall, he would've fallen.

"Callum please, just sit down" I requested. "I-I'm fine" he mumbled. As soon as he said that, his body jerked and he fell down.

"Callum!" I ran to him and put his head on my lap. "J-just bring me s-some water and–" he couldn't finish his sentence as his hand went to his forehead.

Callum groaned in pain, closing his eyes.

"Callum? Callum!" I shouted. His mouth opened, but there was no voice. His eyes were closed, he was sweating hard.

Soon enough, he slipped into unconsciousness and became limp in my arms. I panicked at first, but then collected myself.

I realized my phone was not with me. Shit!

I looked around frantically and found it fallen on the floor. Gently placing Callum's head on the ground, I went and picked up my phone.

I called my family doctor and told him what happened. He said he'd be here in 15 minutes and to take Callum to a bed.

Thankfully, I was a trained dom who had practice of picking up heavier men than me.

I picked Callum up and took him to my room as it was the closest. Putting him on the bed, I removed his giant jacket.

I touched his forehead and the man was burning. He had a fever! I went and got a cold cloth to put on his forehead and did that till the doctor arrived.

"Do you have any idea what has happened to him?" Dr. Hamel asked. "No, but I think he has a fever" I said.

"So he fainted because of a mere fever?" the doctor asked. Yup, that didn't sound right. I shrugged my shoulders and Dr. Hamel sighed.

"Irene, he's your husband. You don't know what happened to him?" I looked down in shame.

Why don't I have even the slightest clue what happened to him?

Dr. Hamel did some typical doctor things like checking his oxygen levels and blood pressure before pulling out a needle.

"Why that?" I asked. "I think I need to do some blood tests. Can you get me a small container, I forgot mine, sorry. Make sure it's clean please" he said.

I nodded. It wasn't a big thing he forgot his. I mean, I did call him in an emergency.

I grabbed a small container, washed it and headed back to the room. "Here" I said, giving the container to the doctor.

Dr. Hamel looked at me skeptically as he took the container. "What?" I asked him. "I didn't think you'd do something like that" he said.

"Do what?" I asked in confusion. "You hit your husband?" he said in disgust.

Hit my.... what?!

"Excuse me?" I snapped at him. "I did no such thing, do not ever accuse me of that!" I spoke.

"Oh really, then what's this?" he questioned as he lifted Callum's shirt up. I gasped in horror as I saw Callum's body.

His chest was covered in belt marks and cuts. His lower abdomen had a huge burn mark that looked like it hurt.

"I-I..." I couldn't form sentences. This was not the type of bruises one gets when a dominant hits their submissive. I know the difference.

This was just straight up abuse.

And the fact that none of it was there the night when we had the scene in the club just made me question everything.

"I don't know" I managed to get out. "You don't know how YOUR husband got bruises like these?" Dr. Hamel asked.

He looked at me with eyes that blamed me like I was the one who did it. "I promise you doctor, I didn't do that" I said.

"Then how did he get these marks Irene?" he asked. I looked down and shrugged shamefully.

The answer to this was not supposed to be a shrug. At least not from me! The doctor sighed.

"Irene, if you didn't do this, then who did? These are abuse marks my child. Your husband has been tormented. This is not to take lightly" he said.

"I know I know, but I just...." what do I say to him? I have no idea how this happened.

"Do you want to report it?" he asked. I looked at him and then at Callum. If he didn't even tell me, I don't think he'd tell anyone else.

"I'll ask him" I said looking at Callum. "Alright then, call me if you need anything else. I'll take your leave now" Dr. Hamel said.

I thanked him and then led him to the door. Once he was out, I stood there and replayed everything in my mind.

Those marks, Callum's behavior, none of it made sense to me. Everything seemed just fine a week ago.

A week ago before.....before he left to go to his parents' house! They wouldn't, would they?

I mean, they're his parents. Why would anyone hit their own child that bad? But there was no other possibility.

But why? Why would they do it? Why be so cruel to your own son?

And then there was also the slapping sound I had heard when Sandra came to drop off Callum back to me.

I realized I wasn't just hearing things and that she had actually slapped him. To make sure, I ran to my security room and played the footage of my front door camera.

There it was, the proof right in front of me. Sandra slapped Callum so hard that he almost lost his balance and fell.

And what did he do you might ask? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The 2 walked up to the door and out of nowhere Sandra just slapped him.

He hadn't even opened his mouth!

I sat there dumbfounded as I watched my mother in law smirk after hitting my husband so harshly.

Callum didn't even make a move to defend himself. Not even a word. It was like he was used to it. In fact, the man apologized!

What is wrong with him?!

I closed the footage and went back to my room. Callum's breathing was peaceful as he still laid unconscious.

As I scanned his blacked out form, I realized how good he looked. My husband was beautiful. Inside out.

We didn't sleep together usually, so I never saw him in this state. But a sleeping Callum was a sight to the eyes.

The way his chest slowly rose and fell, his mouth slightly open as he breathed in. Those full manly lips just calling for a kiss.

I never noticed this before, but Callum's facial features were all defined. From his cheekbone to his jaw, all of them.

His look had always been clean shaven. Honestly, I don't think he can even grow a beard. But I love clean shaven, so its fine.

I walked to him and gently ran my hands through his hair. His locks were soft, inviting me to pull them as harsh as I could.

The shirt he wore stuck to his body because he was sweating. His body looked delicious, just like the food he cooked.

I clenched my thighs in arousal as I felt wetness seep out of me. Fuck, what am I doing!

How could I be aroused when I just found out that my husband was being beaten by his own parents? I should be ashamed of myself.

And ashamed I was. Not of myself, but of those people who call themselves Callum's parents. How dare they!

I clenched my fist in determination. This time, I wouldn't let Callum not speak to me. I need to know the truth.

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