{Plot 3}• CHÃPTÉR XX

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Writer's POV

                             Darius marched down the hallway, his arms folded behind his back. His annoyance radiated off him, letting every guard in the hallway know to stand straight and give a curt bow as he passed for they knew how angry Darius could get and it would be especially worse as Audrey was nowhere beside him. It would be a catastrophe.

Darius's thick brows were pulled down and an angry frown marred his features adding to his deadly glare that seemed to be directed towards one direction, the meeting hall. He didn't need to reach the double doors before the guards that were stationed at the aforementioned pulled them open with haste. They could already tell from his countenance that he was not to be pissed off anymore than he already was. Darius was pissed off with the council of elders, he had a feeling they were going to do what they always did- tell him how to run his kingdom.

                     Irrespective of the fact that he had been ruling for centuries and he didn't need them. He hated being pulled away from his time spent with Audrey, he absolutely despised it and they seemed to have been doing it a lot lately. Whether it was calling him for things Ryker could have easily taken care of or things they themselves were put in such position to do. Ever since Vandal's attack they had made it their mission to constantly remind Darius that the Jigalians could not remain without a head to rule them. Darius was fully aware of the absence in the system but he had began to make preparations to appoint someone to take control. To decide who it would be was not easy, if not thought out carefully he could end up with another tyrant on his hands.

The Jigalians occupied routes and lands that made up two third of the trade routes hence their management was essential for the economy of the kingdom. Not to mention it would be a big part of Darius's new campaign against enslavement of human kind for if he was to appoint a ruler that shared his view on the new way to live then it would be a great step in the right direction. Darius didn't need the council to agree for it to become law but he needed to discuss it without half of the higher table causing a ruckus. Lord Vandal was supposed to be part of that table but now his replacement would suffice.

Stepping into the room his presence completely altered the atmosphere, rendering everywhere silent. He strolled in, his eyes carefully regarding all of them.

"Elders" he acknowledged, nodding subtly.

"Your Majesty" they returned. Darius took a seat in his throne, his fingers intertwining and his elbows resting on the arms of his throne as he watched them closely. The council of elders took their seats as well, exchanging nervous looks at each other definitely sensing the tense atmosphere and the waves of rage Darius was shedding off.

"I'm listening. Speak" he commanded, an expectant brow raised towards them.

They all took deep breaths before Constantine rose to his feet, taking a curt nod before beginning, "We trust you have made preparations for the next ruler of Jigalia?" He began carefully, his voice coming out a lot quieter than he had intended but it wasn't his fault. When Darius was in one of his moods it was difficult to breath talk less of speak close to him, he was visibly pissed and his eyes dark with impending catastrophe, like a disaster waiting to happen. One mistake and the dam would break and an outpour of bottled up frustration would come upon whoever was unlucky enough. Darius knew it as well, times like these everyone walked on egg shells around him, he was in a rotten mood and the only solution to it was probably waddling around, carrying his very heart and soul with here wherever she went. His little piece of joy, the reason for his smile.

The kingdom, politics and matters of the crown had kept him away from his beloved for far too long and this very meeting was the only  thing now standing in his way from going to meet her. His eyes held a threatening promise that of they weren't quick with this hell of a meeting he would storm out without looking back. He would face whatever on his own, as long as he could see her.

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