{Plot 2}• chapter fïvë

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"Audrey" she turned around sharply, hearing her name from the distant. Greer rushed over to Audrey, Ryker and two armed guards falling few steps back. "Are you okay?" Greer asked, holding Audrey's arms and looking her over for any injuries.

"Im fine. Why, what's wrong? " she asked, looking over to Ryker who had caught up tp them. Her eyes landed on his sword in hand and the gaurds who stood stoicly at the entrance.

"There was a rogue attack near the castle. The guards spotted them and have been dispersed to their locations but its too risky to go on with the party. We have been ordered to make sure you reach your chambers safely. When we are certain there has been no briefing of the castle walls then everyone can be allowed to walk around but for now everyone is under lockdown. Please princess follow me" he gave way, waiting for Audrey to walk foward but she hadnt moved yet.

She seemed to be thinking. After properly registering the situation in her mind and realising how dangerous it was one thought came to her mind; Was Darius safe? Rogues werent like normal wolves, Rogues didnt have a himan form, from being outcast pr banned from their packs they would be punished for their misdeeds by having their human form taken from them and along with it every rational thought and emotion.

She had to admit it was a stupid thought to worry, she knew but why she was concerned she couldn't understand, probably it was because he had been so kind to her so far and as much as she wanted to be free she didnt want any harm to befall him. He was a very powerful king and warrior, she was well aware he could take care of himself and he was more capable than his armies put together bit she couldn't help but still be considered so she asked

"Darius? W-where is he, is he fine?"

"His highness went to check out the threat along with a few giards but dont worry i will join him as soon as i ensure you and your ladies areback at your chambers" Ryker informed, his demeanor one she had never seen before. It seemed he wore this side of him more often than she thought. He could see she wasnt convinced, he found her concern cute, almost adorable that she cared for him this much but he wouldn't point it out now. He knew first hand she preferred these things dont be mentioned. "I promise I'll keep hin safe Audrey" je smiled comfortingly, his hand coming to soothe over her shoulder.

She smiled weakly, looking up at him to express her gratitude through her big sark eyes. Her mask fell as realisation crossed her features, "What happens to the nobles, the guests?" She asks, looking over to Lord Odin to see his attention rather transfixed on the exchange.

"As per the King's orders they will be offered chambers within the castle and  hosted here till the threat has been dealt with then they will be free to go or stay as they please" Ryker answered, his eyes directed at Lord Odin. "Shall we princess?"

Audrey wordlessly nods and walks ahead with Greer right beside her. Greer sneaks a glance at Odin and meets hisgaze before she looks back at Audrey curiously. She recalled walking in on them talking here, together and alone. Something about it felt off to her to say the least, and as Greer would have it she was one to talk as she didnt think twice before voicing out her curiosity

"You were here alone with Lord Odin" she started when they had gotten inside and were climbing the stairs. Ryker had bid them farewell and went with one of the guards and Lord Odin  to the other side of the castle- where the other nobles were being housed. Walking into the hallway they were a few more steps away from Audrey's chambers when she came to a halt.

"We are okay here, you can leave" she dismissed, smiling at the guard who bowed then walked away. Now they were alone she faced Greer, "It was nothing really, we were just catching up. We'd known each other since i was a young girl" she wasnt really lying, neither was she telling the whole truth. She hoped Greer wouldn't grow suspicious and pry the answers out of her because she was already quite shaken up already.

Greer looked at her quizzically for a second before humming and nodding. They continued their walk and stopped outside the doors of her chambers where two guards were stationed at all times.

"Where are Astrid, Orchid and Anaise?" Audrey asked, concern washing over her features. Just then as if on cue the door to her chambers burst open and little hands flung themselves around her body, holding her tightly and squeezing to the point she let out a light groan.

"Like i said, Orchid would beat you to it" Astrid said to Anaise, smiling sympathetically at Audrey.

"We were so worried, are you alright?" Orchid asked, pulling away enoigh to look into Audrey's eyes. She could see the concern as clear as day in Orchid's baby blue orbs. She smiled sweetly and nodded, earing a relieved sigh from the girls.

"How did you all get here?" Audrey asked as  they walked into her chambers. She took a seat at the foot of her bed and watched each of them seat at different positions in the room as well.

"Ryker came to escort us, we wanted him to find you-"

"But we had no idea where you were" Orchid continued from where Anaise stopped.

"I'm glad to know you all care for me" Audrey smiled, genuinely as she looked at all the girls. She couldn't imagine this could have been her last night here but as faith would have it Lord Odin's proposal had manahed to turn her mind and confuse Audrey the more, if that was even possible. She knew she had to give  this a chance, what if he could actually do it? What if he succeeded and she would be out of here before anyone found out? Was it a risk worth taking? Could she afford the repracautions of the plan possibly failing? All this thooghts had taken residence in her mind and she knew she had to decode quickly and give him a reply. Now he resided temporarily in the castle but he wont stay long and by the tike the threat had passed and he leaves so would her only chance at freedom.

"It's impossible, the prophecy-"

"Will still be fulfilled" Darius interjects, standing from his previous position on his throne. "Goddess help me Audrey will not be made part of the blood shed"

"Even if there is a chance she can stop it!?" Labyrinth asked, furious.

"I will not put her at risk" he firmly stated, leaving no room for discussion. Darius stared down at the council from where he stood at his rightful place, he only wished his queen was here by his side.

"She could save millions of lives, even yours" Hansell- the youngest of the four reasoned

"You rather die than to put her in the position she was born to fill? This is outrageous your Highness. Im sure if we tell her she will willingly do it, after all she is your mate. The mate bond will compell her to do so, it will be like a call, a voice drawing her to you at your most primal and bloodiest hours" Bethel warned.

"Ryker and i will make arrangements and see to it that she is not within the castle walls during that night's events and i will be chained up and detained"

"You know better than anyone else that it won't be enough, nothing will be enough to hold down the darkness. You feel it, you hear it and you know it wont rest till blood flows" Constantine calmly spoke, watching his reaction closely.

Hansell looks straight into Darius's eyes, "Blood will flow"

Sorry for the late update guys!
Hope you liked this filler chapter!!

What do you think the council wants Audrey to do?
What's going on within the walls of the castle?
What big game is Audrey a part of? And what is Darius protecting her from? Or who?

Let me know you thoughts in the comments! Don't be shy!

#Co_co124 💜

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