chapter forty

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' forgivness '

where were he taking me ?

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where were he taking me ?

'' I'm sorry lillith, for all that you had to go through'' he said softly cupping my face in his hands stopping before a door.

why were he saying this? what was he going to do. '' Enzo -'' another voice. Dante. '' little one this is for your own sake we don't want you to hurt yourself and you wont let us near you'' he began explaining the door opened.


please no.

Katya was suddenly next to me. '' please-'' my voice was so quite I doubted anyone heard. not this, not this, please not this. '' lillith its for your own good, '' Dante said softly. I took a step back from the room.

'' please I'll leave, I'll die, but not this, please not this I beg you Katya I'm your sister you cant do this to me, I'll be good, I'll do anything please, please, please'' I begged tear falling down my face as I turned to her clutching her hands tightly.'' I'll leave and never come back if just you don't do this to me, I cant, I cant '' my breathing turned hectic panic seething in.

I turned back to the room.

'' she's too far along for us to inject anything '' a nervous man said he was sweating and looked uncomfortable. '' we could preform surgery but that would need for her to be under sedation and that would need for us to move her '' the doctor said.

he looked at me with a sinister smirk standing by the door looking at me in a predatory way.

'' there no need for sedation she's used to pain'' he said calmly. no, no, no, no.

''lillith ! lillith!'' someone was shaking me.

why was I on a bed? no, not that bed. I backed away from him. '' lillith its me nic'' nic? my nic? my handsome sweet nic?

'' nic? '' I whispered opening my eyes fully to see four figures surrounding me one of which was clutching onto me now bringing me into a tight hug chanting something '' thank god, thank god your alright, thank god'' he kept muttering.

'' why are you all here? ''I asked confused. they weren't with Katya? why? I don't understand they don't care about me so why are they here?

suddenly someone was right in front of me cupping my face in his large hands. Dante. why did they have to be so hauntingly beautiful ?

so haunting that they consumed me.

it was cruel.

'' we love you lillith, we would do anything for you, your hurting so of course we're all here'' he said softly almost sounding lost.

I glanced at the twins behind him. maybe, maybe those photos where fake, maybe they had been drunk. maybe that was what had happened. what was her name again, he had told me.

Maisie, no, Monique? no definitely not. '' maya'' I whispered.

I didn't mean to I really didn't and judging by their faces I was almost sure this had earned me a week in the white room. it must've.

why weren't we in the white room? who carried me ? I hope it was them that would mean they still loved me. '' whatever you've been told lillith she was nothing to us, we knew her once years ago, she came back and began kissing us, we didn't- we didn't kiss back, we would never, never! do that to you'' Alex stammered clutching my hand in his tightly.

'' she's dead'' Lorenzo chimed in starring softly at her'' we killed her for the part she played in all this'' he said gesturing to me.

'' its alright '' I said softly. maybe I could forgive them. they had saved me from hell after all. maybe that deserved forgiveness. even if they were the ones that put me in hell in the first place. '' I understand, you don't have to lie, its okay really'' I assured them.

it wasn't okay.

my heart was breaking if it hadn't already been broken a million times by now. and my very soul was aching mourning for the loss of them which had become so obviously clear that it made my stomach churn.

'' no its not okay lillith!'' Alex said loudly. I didn't flinch but just closed my eyes waiting for the hit. it was alright, it was just my Alex. or Alex. maybe I shouldn't call him Alex.

he wouldn't like that. '' can I still call you Alex?'' I asked carefully. his face dropped and a tear fell down his face.

why was he crying?

'' please princess you can call me anything you like, anything, Alex, dickhead, idiot, moron I don't care just talk to me '' he said through teary eyes.

'' I'm sorry'' I whispered taking my hands out of his gently wiping away his tears. pretty boys like him shouldn't be crying over ugly girls like me. it wasn't fair to him. '' I didn't mean to upset you'' I said softly.

'' lillith whatever they told you about us in there it was lies, we would never cheat on you, your the only one for us, do you understand ?'' nic asked turning my head so I was looking up at him. '' there was never anyone else, maya was nothing to us, there will never be another, only you and us'' he said softly.

I believed him.

that was the worst part of it all. I had no reason to believe him but I did. because my nic wouldn't lie to me. he was gentle and sweet, monsters too but not to me.

but was this my nic or was it someone else's nic?

'' can I ask something?'' I asked looking back at Alex to make sure he wasn't crying anymore and then at Dante and Enzo. they all hummed '' is he dead?''

'' who victor?'' Enzo asked softly. I nodded. '' no, not yet, we thought-'' he cut himself off sighing.

'' we thought you would want to do it'' Dante muttered.

I did. I did want to make him suffer. '' I want to see him'' I said. '' please, I'm scared, I need him dead'' I said through tears.

'' tomorrow my love, tomorrow'' nic promised. '' now get some sleep we'll all stay here through the night we promise'' he added seeing my weary expression.

maybe they didn't need to earn my forgiveness maybe they were never at blame.

maybe I had just been stupid and foolish.

as always.

stupid me. believing that monster, over my Salvador. how cruel of me.

how evil of me to doubt them after everything they did for me. 

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