chapter twenty

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ps- im sorry i havnt updated in a few days, i have exams so im kinda stressed though i will try to write whenever i have spare time 

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chapter tweenty

' what the fuck is peace?'


who would've known that two months after being brutally robed of my freedom and kidnapped by three psychotic mafia men that I would sit across from them at a fancy dinner grinning like some third grade girl who's crush had just said 'hey' to them?

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who would've known that two months after being brutally robed of my freedom and kidnapped by three psychotic mafia men that I would sit across from them at a fancy dinner grinning like some third grade girl who's crush had just said 'hey' to them?

suddenly I wouldn't.

'' how are you feeling love?'' Dominic asked worriedly for the hundredth time since I started my periods. he had practically clung to me for the past two days like I was going to die from it. and currently I was sitting in his lap with his arms secured around my waist.

'' oh no I think- I'm dying- blah'' I fell back dramatically sticking out my tongue faking death knowing he would catch me and sure he enough he did. '' ha-ha so funny'' Lorenzo chimed in sarcastically.

'' I know right? I should be a comedian, I could ad you three to my show as my goo to jokes'' I added feeling awfully bold. they all chuckled.

and that made me feel incredibly proud for some reason. like I was a child seeking approval from them. '' your glowing '' Alessandro complimented.

'' excuse me?'' I countered confused. what the hell was that supposed to mean'' I mean your smiling, laughing and looking beautiful as ever so I just automatically connected you with the sun, our little sun so yeah glowing '' he rambled and I couldn't help but to chuckle.

their lilith 18+ ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя