chapter thirteen.

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chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen

' sweet, home oh sweet old home'


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when I was sixteen years old my dad brought me out in the shred behind our mansion. I remember it vividly like it was yesterday.

the man bound to a chair, perfectly healthy pleading for mercy.

the cold metal in my hand and my father's constant voice telling me to do it. I remember turning around on the spot and shooting him instead.

I remember the horror filling the shred. the men outside hurrying in upon hearing my father's screaming.

I remember when I was eighteen and my father was forced of his throne because of the missing leg he had amputate because of my bullet hitting an unfortunate part of his leg. I remember mothers face hanging on the walls of our mansion haunting me.

I always wondered why on earth some people made homes of lovers.

but then again, all love I had ever felt was for my baby brothers. I never did lovers. I did whores.

but now I suddenly get it.

it hits me like a brick in the head.

what a perfect creature we've been blessed with me and my brothers. how she does not hate us is a mystery to me. perhaps she like us feels this feeling in our chest telling us she belongs to us and us to her.

to think she can be so vicious as she was at the mall, and as foul mouthed as she was yesterday is insane to me.

how could such an innocent being who didn't even know what cum was before two days ago be the same girl who cursed out another girl yesterday?

she had called us monsters too.

but I know she didn't mean it. and she said it too we were kind to her. as long as we weren't monsters to her I didn't truly care what the rest of the world viewed us as.

''good morning little one'' I spoke my voice still hoarse and tired since I had only woken up a few minutes ago.

she turned away from me having before been laying her head on my chest her leg thrown over mine and my hands interlaced with her soft silky blonde hair. I tugged her back into my arms noticing how she just turned around trying to shield her eyes from the sun escaping through the windows.

'' five minutes more'' she muttered still half asleep.

what an angelic voice.

how jealous I was of all those who had heard it a million times. though it would be alright because I would hear it every day from now on and until I died.

my arms were wrapped around her lower stomach and hers rested lazily on top of mine her head leaned back so I could truly see the perfection before my eyes.

the freckles adorning her otherwise smooth skin, and the pink always present tint on her cheeks. her long sandy blonde hair sprawled across the pillow, my shoulder and the sheets. the freckles that traveled all the way down to her shoulders.

her beautiful body so close to mine warming me.

she was home, safe, warm, comfort, love. she was what my home should've been like.

but none of the past mattered anymore. we had her here now.

'' I want to go somewhere today'' I hadn't noticed her waking up fully, nor her turning around in my arms. only now did I notice her half sleeping state her hand stroking my cheek in the most gentle loving way I had ever felt. 'outside'' she clarified.

how could I deny such a request when it came from her.

besides she truly was no prisoner here.

she had never really been. we just needed her to be calm before giving her complete freedom.

an image of her laying between us flashed in my mind, her sweet moans and her fluttering eyes glancing between USS pleading for more.

'' where would you want to go little one?'' I asked kissing her forehead. she seemed to slowly wake up more and more and still she didn't stop her movements her finger grazing over my skin making me feel something other than horny for a woman, for the first time ever.

her eyes closed though I knew she was still awake just sleepy still. '' we can go anywhere you like'' I promised. it was true.

we would take her anywhere in the world if just she asked. we would do anything for her.

she didn't know it yet but she had us all at our knees for her.

'' museum? '' she asked glancing up at me hopefully. this girl was going to be the death of me. '' wherever you want to go'' I replied as I saw her face light up she sat up with a huge smile spreading across her lips as she hugged me tightly I was sitting up now as she clung to me like a koala repeating 'thank you, thank you' over and over again.

such an adorable little thing she was.

'' what's going on here?'' of course Lorenzo had to walk in and make her crawl of me startled. I gave him a death glare.

she seemed like a beaming child now. jumping of the bed only wearing my white dress shirt which reached to her knees and a pair of silk shorts.

'' we're leaving in an hour'' I informed Lorenzo.

'' you want me to tell the others?'' he asked both our eyes following our angel as she made her way into the bathroom. '' what did you do to get her like that?!'' Lorenzo asked clearly jealous I got that side of her.

'' yeah tell the others, and I just said yes to a trip'' I smirked at him enjoying the thought of her bright smile.

twenty minutes later we all turned our heads at the most wonderful sight in the entire world. for the first time since lillith had begun living her a full blown smile adorned her face and she grabbed an apple before putting on her shoes standing expectantly waiting for us.

'' what the-'' Alessandro began looking at her surprised before he smiled. we all did.

she was wearing a black skirt, nude thighs, a black suit jacket that was a little too big for her and lasty a sweater underneath.

she looked incredibly beautiful.

incredibly edible.

perhaps I would taste her later. our lillith.

out perfect lillith.

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