chapter five

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*btw this is a super short chapter *

chapter five

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chapter five

'i hate you'


 the Salvador brothers' moods was especially horrid that day

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the Salvador brothers' moods was especially horrid that day. everyone knew from the moment all four of them entered the Salvador enterprises a business they had built to cover for their other business.

it was common for all four of them to go to the office in the weekends and late nights considering that they had not much else to do other than that, drinking and fucking ever woman within the clubs they owned. now should've been different.

and yet there they all walked in with expressionless masks for faces.

'' sirs what are you doing-'' the secretary stopped abruptly when the door to their shared office slammed shut.

'' I told you kidnapping her was a horrible move to make!'' Lorenzo sneered at his brothers bitterly. '' she ran from us!'' his twin bit back.

''' and now she hates us!'' Lorenzo gritted out.

Dominic growled at his brother '' she doesn't! she just needs time to adjust'' he claimed. but even he didn't believe those words.

the office went silence as all the brothers were in deep thoughts, thoughts that all circled around the angel they would soon return home too. Dante's phone rung filling the silence. he almost robotically picked it up.

'' yes?'' he spoke coldly putting the phone on speaker for his brothers to hear. '' sir- '' the guard was cut off by something smashing in the background. '' what the fuck is going on?!'' Dominic roared.

'' MS decker is currently smashing the house -'' the guard was cut off again at the sound of shouting- '' I think she's going to set the house on fire'' he muttered.

'' don't lay a fucking hand on her we'll be there shortly'' Dante spoke coldly though his body filled with worry. she could hurt herself on glass shards, oh burn herself. all four brothers rushed to their cars speeding towards their mansion less than twenty minutes away though they reached it in less than five.

'' everyone out!'' Alessandro roared at the guards who all hurried out leaving a pissed lillith alone the smell of bourbon, whiskey and other alcoholic drinks hitting them like a brick seeing the entire living room was covered in it.

in her hands was a lighter. '' one step closer and I drop it!'' she threatened turning on the lighter.

'' put down the lighter sweetheart '' Dominic tried softly but she just keep glaring at them.

'' let me go ! I want to go home!'' she sneered at them. '' let me go home or I'll drop it !'' she threatened her chest heaving up and down she was still wearing Lorenzo's shirt but her own pair of jeans mostly because the shirt was good at covering up her body.

the brothers all shared a look before Dante slowly walked towards her. she took a few steps back. '' come on little one no need to act out like this'' he cooed as gently as he could. he was no gentle soul and yet it was almost an instinct to be as gentle and soft as he possibly could towards her.

'' you kidnapped me isn't that enough reason?!'' she bit back through her voice faltered and betrayed her once again. she hadn't noticed that Alessandro too had moved only he now stood directly behind her grabbing the lighter from her in one swift movement throwing it to Lorenzo before placing a white cloth over lillith mouth and nose.

she gasped and accidently breathed in the drugs making her fall back into Alessandro's arms.

she glanced up at Alessandro and though her voice was weak, and her words slurred they all heard her clearly '' I hate you'' she muttered before she passed out again.

what had they done?

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