chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen

'human or art?'


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this museum wasn't like the ones Katya used to bring me too.

not this one was dancer, much more extravagant. more beautiful art like. Alessandro had his arm around my waist as we walked through the halls, the other three walked either a little behind us like guards, or beside us.

there were almost no people, maybe it was because I was almost sure it was some high rank museum, and secondly because the four men accompanying me properly scared off everyone.

'' your better'' Dante claimed as I was studying a painting from the 1800s it was beautiful, breathtaking. like it could've never been painting by someone a mere mortal. like it was made by some otherworldly creature who had seen the entire world in thousands of different shades and colors.'' at painting I mean'' he clarified.

I turned to him furrowed brows. '' I am not'' I state firmly.

that was an insult to the artist, me ? a mere self-taught girl ? Dante must've hit his head in his sleep.

'' I don't get what's so special about it'' Dominic chimed in confused having now tried to tilt his head in every possible way. '' everything?'' I questioned.

'' the details, the colors, the way in which each stroke is made with such abstract perfection and clear concentration and yet it is chaotic and otherworldly beautiful, it is like an entire different world and yet it is not how can that not be utterly and completely unique ?'' I rambled seemingly having caught them all off guard since they all turned quiet.

Alessandro's tight on my waist tightened pulling me closer placing a kiss on the side of my head before I heard Lorenzo chuckle. '' you think a lot about things don't you?'' he questioned though it wasn't really a question but more like a statement.

it was true.

I did think too much about a lot of things.

that was why I liked art so much. there were no limit to when my thinking should stop. unlike with real situations where if I thought to much I would freak out, or panic, or cry, or get overwhelmed. art was so serene.

'' I guess I do'' I replied pretending like I didn't know it myself.

I did though.

Katya my elder sister by ten years had told me, numerous times over and over again.

she stroked my hair '' you think too much lily'' she said as the eight year old me cried my heart out hugging her tightly. '' too much for your own good'' she had added.'' sometimes I think you think ten times as much and fast as the rest of us with all the ideas and opinions you pop out'' she had joked.

it had been a cold winter day and mum had been particularly angry that day. I remember Katya screaming at mum and mum screaming back and then suddenly Katya stormed off, and mum turned to me screaming at me.

Katya had said she would leave. '' you think to much lily, to many bad thoughts and too little happy ones'' she had claimed. but it was true.

'' what got you thought ?'' Alessandro asked snapping me out of my haze. '' old memories'' I just replied brushing it off heading towards a sculpture made of marble the four Salvador's trailing after me.

'' you seem to love this '' Dante commented. hadn't he realized I was going to love this when I practically hugged him for an eternity after saying we could go to a museum.

'' I do love this, I love art, or at least most art, I'm not really into modern art so much though its also pretty but there's just something over classic art '' I told them facing them all.

I don't know why I felt comfortable around them all of the sudden.

but it was better than being afraid all the time.

besides for whatever reason I could not phantom why anyone would want to Alessandro tongue had been buried inside of me two days prior. and his brothers hands and lips had been all over my body, and I had told them about that strange feeling in my stomach which they told me what it what.

so I guess I grew more comfortable around them.

'' its settled then we'll go at least once a week to a museum or art exhibit '' Dominic claimed as my face lit up.

they must be joking.

Katya had been the only one willing to go to museums with me in the past, and dad thought it was stupid so he would never pay entrance, and mum well- I never asked her already knowing the answer, the same for my brother.

and when I joined college I was too busy studying to actually visit museums. mostly because I had a habit of staying there for the entire day.

so it was rare I got to go.

'' I couldn't ask that of you'' I found myself saying anyhow. I really couldn't ask that of them no matter how amazing it sounded. Lorenzo and Alessandro scoffed in unison.

'' you could ask us for the world and it would be served for you on a silver platter'' Alessandro claimed.

I chuckled rolling my eyes turning back to the art- or well the other artwork. which wasn't the Salvador's. because they surely had to be considered art.

imperfectly perfect, chaotic and yet always pristine, cruel and yet so goddamn sweet. like art. they were different for each person.

like with the painting where I saw something incredibly beautiful and unique Dominic had seen a canva with some boring colors.

if the Salvador brothers wasn't art I did not know what they were.


perhaps both.

what was the difference between art and gods?


what was the difference between art and humans ?

a heartbeat?

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