chapter thirty two

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'something is wrong '

today was an day like so many others, the brothers were out working while I was at home

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today was an day like so many others, the brothers were out working while I was at home. or well I was at home getting dressed to head out for the day.

Katya and I had gotten close over the last few months and today were one of our sister trips.

even though it was only out eating some lunch and shopping it was still becoming one of my favorite times of the week.

Katya was laying on my bed dramatically. even though she was ten years older than me she was still the most childish one of us. and that was something impressive.

'' your slow!'' she complained loudly I send her a harsh glare buttoning up the dress shirt I chose to wear for today along with some simple dark brown trousers and my black coat. '' shut up'' I countered throwing a book laying on the dresser most likely belonging to Dante at her.

oh well he was going to murder me if he found out I had thrown with one of his books.

but what he didn't know wouldn't harm him- or me.

Katya groaned when the book hit her stomach. '' you little shit'' she countered playfully, sitting up and glaring at me.

I flashed her a smirk


sometimes I wished I could say ' I'm not like other girls' you know meaning I was the stereotypical girl.

I couldn't. not truthfully anyways.

I loved shopping, specially with friends or in this case my sister, and I loved iced coffee but also black coffee both worked. and I liked dressing up and I wore makeup.

I was in fact like a lot of other girls. expect of course they didn't have four men warming their beds. but oh well one or four- what was the difference really? sarcasm intended.

Katya had been called for an emergency two minutes ago leaving promptly after assuring me there were two guards with me.

yet something felt off.

I was walking to my car ignoring both guards. I tried to find my phone. but I couldn't find it in my purse or pockets. someone grabbed my shoulder and just when I was about to scream I saw an elder lady the two guards had backed off a bit.

'' sweetie are you alright?'' she asked.

I flashed her a smile. fake smile but she didn't know. '' yeah but can I burrow your phone for a sec?'' I asked she nodded handing me her phone but the next thing I knew a gun shot echoed through the parking lot and the woman was laying dead before me.

the phone was open so I dialed dates number. he was the first number that came to mind. '' drop the phone little girl '' one of the guards wanted.

'' step back or the Salvador's will kill you'' I said but I was thrown onto the car the phone thrown on the floor leaving me alone and helpless.

'' as if they care about you, who do you think send us?'' hit another guard mocked.

the Salvador's wouldn't do that to me. I knew. I didn't even question it, they wouldn't. and if these two fuckers thought they could manipulate me they were stupid, because I grew up with a lawyer for a mum and a politicked for a dad.

I was immune to that shit.

something felt off

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something felt off. like something bad was happening.

I just didn't know what.

I dialed Lilith's number as if it was an instinct. and oh how did my fear spike when she didn't pick up.

I called her again, and again, and again. until I called my twin instead '' I cant reach Lilith'' I told him through troubled breaths. I hadn't panicked like this for ages yet there I was.

I needed Lilith. and only her. '' Alex? calm down she's fine, she's properly just put her phone on silent '' Enzo tried to reassure me.

he didn't know fucking shit! Lilith was in danger, Lilith wasn't here and I couldn't breathe without her. I didn't fucking care what Enzo thought and didn't, I needed him to track her the fuck down and get her here. or anywhere were I could go and hug her, fuck her, kiss her.

spank the living shit out of her for scarring me like this.

I didn't care in which way I had her as long as I had her.

'' calm down al-'' I hung up if he wouldn't track her down I fucking would.

had not it been for the woman who entered Dominic's office. the office which I was alone in.

'' who the fuck are you?'' I spat at the woman standing before me. she had sandy blonde hair, bright blue ugly eyes. she was ugly. all women expect Lilith were ugly.

'' Enzo come on you don't remember me? '' she asked me a seductive voice.

'' get your dirty fucking hands off of me you whore'' I snapped when her hand brushed against me shoulder.

'' I know you still love me '' she purred.

fuck no. I wanted Lilith not some whore. '' maya ?'' I asked horrified. she smiled sickly.

what the fuck ?!

she had, had plastic surgeries for sure, and her hair was normally dark, her eyes even darker. she looked almost like she was trying to look like someone else.

someone who was the cause of my panic that suddenly spiked even more.

maya me and my brothers old sub was looking like Lilith. or at least trying to.

our Lilith.

our Lilith wasn't safe I knew it. she wasn't safe at fucking all. 

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