chapter seven

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chapter seven

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chapter seven

' i must be crazy'


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perhaps I was wrong.

how could I even think that?! am I going insane? I must be.

otherwise, I wouldn't be sitting like this on my kidnapper's lap. though it wasn't much of a choice seeing I was pulled here.

but I must be going absolutely crazy- because I enjoy it.

the unfamiliar warmth of his body pressed against mine. the light chatters among the four brothers. civil I though.

I just have to be civil right?

I could never like them.

even though they were all handsome like Greek gods. why did such horrible men have to be so enchantingly beautiful- or was beautiful insulting to men? perhaps it was. but I found better way to describe them.

handsome seemed so dull, and human like. and these four men seemed so... otherworldly?

'' what's the matter princess?'' Alessandro whispered in my ear tightening his hold around my waist. god that nickname, with that accent. it did things to me. unforgivable sinful things.

he was my kidnapper ! I shouldn't be thinking such thoughts!

'' nothing'' I muttered taking another strawberry from the tray of fruits.

I hated eating much in the morning, it made me sick, so it was normal for me only to eat some fruit and then wait till I got home to eat an actual meal. Dominic- nic slide a piece of toast onto my plate.

I frowned at it. '' you don't like toast?'' Alessandro asked confused.

I gulped. I hoped that didn't anger them. oh god what if it did, then my ' be civil' plan was to no use. '' ehm, I like toast- I just don't- ehm- you know breakfast- I don't really like breakfast'' I tried to explain myself relaxing slightly when I heard Lorenzo chuckle.

'' why so shy all of the sudden? '' he asked clearly amused.

'' yes, it was yesterday you tried to set the mansion on fire'' Dante chimed in not sounding angry but equally amused as his brother was.

this wasn't the same mansion from yesterday. this was a penthouse.

a large one.

it was rather dark in here. everything was grey or black. and exceptionally clean. freakishly clean. but it was also beautiful.

with a huge glass window that was tinted so no one could look in though it was on the 20th floor. but it made the whole city visible. all of New York. it was a breathtaking sight.

'' I'm sorry about that'' I whispered lowering my gaze to my hands. a hand cupping my face forcing me to look up.

Dante gave me a stern look. '' it's alright, you were angry, you know you looked incredibly good with that angry expression, like a real queen '' he claimed. that was not true. I looked horrible angry.

and I suddenly did not resemble any queen, in fact he was currently insulting every single living queen by saying such. '' but please don't burn the penthouse down my love'' Nic added amused.

'' I won't'' I muttered stiffening when I felt a kiss being placed on my neck. '' Alessandro?'' my voice was weak and trembling.

he sucked on a spot that made me feel unfamiliar things in my lower stomach. an unforgivingly sinful sound leaving my lips. of course, I knew what it was. I was not stupid, I had heard that exact sound coming from others apartment, and it was a horrible sound to hear coming from others and yet here I were moaning like some whore.

moaning for my kidnapper!

a hand began running up and down my thigh and I shut my eyes tightly leaning my head back against alexanders shoulder.

I'm going to hell for this. I was serpent.

'' such a good girl '' Alessandro muttered against my skin making shivers go down my spine. not the uncomfortable kind of shivers. but the ones that made me want to plead him to kiss me like that again.

could you blame me ?

I had never been touched like that, kissed even. the only kiss I had ever gotten was on the forehead and it was my sister giving it right before she left home.

but this felt so good and yet so strange.

'' you're so goodman beautiful cuore mio'' I heard Lorenzo say when Alessandro's lips parted from my neck. I felt wet between my legs.

it was strange. was it normal? it couldn't be.

and what did he call me. I didn't know. but I liked it, I liked his voice, deep like the sea and quiet like the ocean's depths. I liked his accent, all of their accents.

'' tell us have you ever been touched before?'' nic asked making me turn to face him.

'' yes? of course I have, everyone has-'' I was cut off by them all laughing. they had beautiful laughs. truly, godlike. and yet I didn't understand what was so funny.

'' oh, such an innocent little baby'' Alessandro mused.

'' have you ever been touched like this?'' before I could ask what he was speaking about a hand went down to my private part cupping it Alessandro lips attacking my neck again as Dante's lips crashed onto mine and I felt a hand stroke up and down my thigh another spreading my legs apart.

they all moved away after a mere few seconds. I wanted more. was that bad?

'' have anyone ever touched you like that little one?'' Dante asked clearly amused by my tomato red face.

oh god.

oh god.

oh god.

what was I doing.

civil my ass, this wasn't civil this was crazy.

why did I like that?! I wasn't supposed to. they're bad men who kidnapped me and- and- they're bad men!

'' n-no'' my voice trembled with nervousness.

'' good '' nic commented.

why was that good? they made zero sense. perhaps they were too crazy. like I had to be. no one else could find their kidnappers handsome right?

not only crazy people would.

but God did I want them to touch me like that again. a knot tightening in my lower stomach at the thoughts. how strange- perhaps I was sick.

I jumped down from Alessandro's lap walking away.

maybe the be civil part was a bad idea.

maybe I should tell them I was sick. the knot in my stomach not disappearing but fading painfully slowly. it wasn't painful but clearly something had to be wrong.

every time I thought of them it reappeared.

I had to be crazy and sick.

yeah, that had to be it. 

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