chapter thirty three

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' please god let me die'

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out of all the idiots I had meet in my life- which was unsurprising a lot- these guys had to be the dumbest.

I was tied with my hands behind my back zip ties bound both wrist and feet together.

it was uncomfortable.

very uncomfortable.

but bearable.

'' don't you see it stupid girl?!'' the man who I had learned name was Rocco spat at me as he slapped me for the thousandth time. '' they. don't. care. about. you'' he seethed.





I smiled up at him. '' who are you trying to convince?'' I asked the taste of blood filling my mouth but I just smiled though the pain.

he did not like that one bit.

he kicked me. which wasn't hard seeing I had fallen onto the floor. it was painful. I was holding back tears I refused to let fall. '' they aren't coming for you, just give up already, tell us and all this would be over'' the other of the two. Jackie . said.

I didn't say anything. they were lying I knew.

they had to be.

three days had passed like this. but I knew they were coming for me. I trusted that they were. call me foolish, stupid even.

but I knew.

I love them enough to trust them.

and even if I died here I would mind. they had said it themselves. if I was dead they would follow me, we would be together no matter what outcome this had.

I must've gone insane in these last few months. maybe I always were. maybe that's what being locked by psychopathic mafia men does to you.

oh well....

it would be tragic if my life before hadn't been so goddamn pathetic. '' spit it out woman!'' another kick this time to my chest.

it hurts. surely it did.

but like some suicidal maniac I didn't mind much, I was dead anyway, unless of course my lovers came to my rescue.

I hoped they would, but I did not expect it.

'' speak girl!'' a new man shouted I wasn't in the same room anymore. I didn't even notice. how funny. I began looking around the white walled room. '' speak or we're leaving you all alone here'' he spat.

he was ugly.

I think I hit my head pretty hard, it hurts. how was bald and old, and fat. I wanted to kill him. I hated his voice.

'' they've already moved on, no need to protect them anymore'' she seethed throwing something at me before shutting the door locking it.

I was alone in the white room.

alone with photos scattered around me.

I wanted to cry, it was lies. it had to be lies they wouldn't do this to me. they wouldn't leave me here right?

there were to many photos of them with another woman.

too many.

far too many.

maybe I was wrong about the Salvador's. maybe I never wanted to see them again. maybe I hated them.

how could they do this to me? they ruined me in the sweetest most efficient way possible, but they ruined me still. I was a used toy and I had been thrown away now that I was no longer for any use.

I should've known better.

once a toy always a toy.

the Salvador brothers had used me. and I had let them. I was the only one to blame, and yet I couldn't help but feel a anger ignite in my chest. like a burning wildfire.

I would get my revenge, something as horrid as love wouldn't prevent me from that.

they used me.

they used me.

they used ME.


I think I'm dying, I cant breathe, I cant feel, I cant think. only that one sentence rings through the empty room like bullets and they hurt.

please let me die here.

let me die.

let me die.

let me die!

please god if you exist let me die...

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