every last chance we could give each other

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"You're coming to Abu Dhabi, aren't you? If I get the title there, I want you to be there.".

It was a strange feeling to be back in the paddock. This time with two kids, which made my stress level extremely high. But I couldn't deny Charles that wish.

Pascale accompanied us and I knew I couldn't have done it without her, because Aly in particular would have loved to run right away. To Lance, to Max, to Mick. She was almost unstoppable and we only made it to Charles' box with a lot of effort.

I saw him beaming when we entered the box. He left his gloves with Andrea and joined us immediately.

We had only come to the race because I didn't trust myself to do more with the two girls at the moment. I loved them, but they were also very wild and the paddock was not a place where I wanted to lose my children.

I was clearly already too damaged for that.

Charles had secured the pole for today and therefore had the best chance to win and take the title. He lifted Lily and Aly up and kissed his daughters before putting them back on the floor and pulling me to him. His hands on my hips, he pulled me to him.

"Hey mon cœur.", he put his lips on mine and I melted.

We were, more or less, together again. We hadn't talked about it in the sense of "do you want to be with me?" but we had talked about everything else. Also, Charles had moved back in with us and more importantly, he had moved into the master bedroom with me.

It was nice to have him back with me, to sleep next to him again, and to be able to share the worries of being a parent with Someone.

But it also felt different than last time. It all felt more honest. We talked and that was pretty darn good. We talked openly about everything. About worries, desires, anger. Everything. Neither of us kept anything bottled up anymore. It made it so much easier

I let my hands slide down his neck as he pulled me even closer. I felt his body pressing against me, a low growl on his part, and damn, I was melting too. If we'd been alone now...

"Hey.", I breathed, feeling how soft my knees were.

"I'm so glad you're here," he growled, kissing me again. My heart skipped a beat. Then he pressed two quick kisses to my lips before pulling away.

"So, are you ready?", I asked, stroking his hair.

"Very ready.", he nodded, his eyes shining "I'm going to get the title today.".

"Max doesn't see it that way," I smirked.

"He can see it any way he wants. I'm going to get the title.".

"You will. I'm sure you will.", I stood on tiptoe and rested my forehead briefly against His "To me, you'll always be the champion.", I muttered.

"And every one of my victories is just for you." he returned, pulling me against him once more "I love you, Evi."

"I love you, Charles," I returned, looking up at him.

He smiled, then kissed our daughters on the top of the head once more, then headed out to his car.

Carlos waved over to us and grinned. It felt a little like coming home again. I hadn't been here in so long.

This time, though, it felt different. When the cameras panned in our direction, I waved. I didn't avoid them anymore. It was just part of it. On the other hand, I was able to keep our private life secret in a completely different way this time. Our home was further away from the press, more where we could be left alone.

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