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I was a little speechless when I saw Charles in front of the cameras and he sounded more confident than ever. But when he talked about the pea, I was horrified and hoped that not so many people recognized the connection, because even if our friends all knew about it, the public could have stayed out of our pregnancy for a while.

But now it was out and I immediately felt my pulse going up a little. I wasn't particularly keen on being mauled by the public and unfortunately I knew that was exactly what was in store for me. I had witnessed it enough times through Seb and also the last time Charles and I had been together. It could be hell to date a Formula 1 driver. I didn't even want to imagine what it would be like to have a child by a driver. Especially by Charles.

There were a bunch of fangirls who would surely not like that.
I mean there were a lot of very cute and supportive Fangirls too and most of them were cool but there were always some people that just went over the top with their love for the drivers.

I wondered at that moment if we would ever have a moment's peace. If we would ever find peace anywhere, or if we would keep stumbling from one disaster to the next.

Maybe it was best if we did like Seb and Hanna and I just stayed out of the public eye while he drove. But on the other hand, I loved Formula 1 way too much and I knew how much Charles liked it when I went to the races with him. He had always loved having me there. But with two kids, that would be way too hard anyway. I couldn't tear myself apart, after all. And I didn't know if I wanted the two of them so much in the public eye.

It may be that with Mella a big problem had disappeared from our lives, but enough new problems had opened up.

Because even if Pascale assured me again and again that she liked having us here, this was not our house. It belonged to her and it would stay that way. We didn't have a house at the moment. And when I thought about the fact that we still had to find a house and move into it before the pea was born, I felt a little different. Because Charles wouldn't be traveling any less until the end of the season, and even though the season was over, he still had things to do all the time.
Was there time for us at all?

Was there enough time to find a house and move into it?

Maybe it would be good if we moved closer to Seb and Hannah. As much as I didn't want to be dependent on my brother, I didn't want to be alone with everything.

Because Charles would have to leave for pre-season and then to all the races and on and on. It was a never-ending cycle and basically I also wished Charles a long, happy career. But as a family, it was a disaster. Maybe Seb had some tips.

But he had just ended his career to be with his children.

Was that the only solution?

Career or children?

If so, I already knew Charles' answer. And I didn't like it at all. Because Charles would either choose us and be super sad that he wasn't allowed to race anymore, or he would choose the career, which then meant that we would hardly see each other.

I let myself fall back a bit and closed my eyes.

There were just so many thoughts tormenting me and the headache was getting more and more stabbing. I didn't even have anyone to share these worries with right now.

I didn't want Pascale to get the impression that I was overwhelmed.

Charles, Max and Lance were busy with the race weekend and so was Seb.

Lorenzo was also at the races with Arthur.

All I had left was my sister-in-law Hannah, but if I talked to her she would tell Seb and then he would go crazy and I didn't need that right now.

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