let's play dirty

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I had put Aly to bed and then got right to work.

Charles was still at the police station and that was a good thing, because he hadn't noticed the shitstorm that was sweeping in his direction.

Mella hadn't just filed a complaint, she had gone straight to the point.

She had recently received an amazingly large increase in Instagram followers. Mainly for the reason that she had constantly posted private things about Charles.

Since she had moved in, her follower and like numbers had increased so much that it was almost ridiculous.

Since tonight, however, they had exploded.

She had posted a video explaining that Charles had beaten her. She talked about what a bad person he was and how he didn't take care of his daughter properly either.

She had also made public the address of our house.

Now not only the media, but also many fans were standing in front of the house, probably waiting for Charles.

The indignation in the fan scene was huge.

Nobody had expected that Charles could be someone to beat their partner. For the very simple reason that he wasn't that someone. Everything she told was absolute garbage. And she knew exactly what game she was playing here.

She was just trying to get rich at his expense.

But not with me. She had messed with Charles and now she would get to feel what it meant when a strong woman stood behind a man.

Gone was the nice, understanding Evi.

Now it was Evelyn Vettel's turn, and even Max Verstappen wouldn't mess with her anymore.

It may well be that I held back most of the time and preferred to be nice. Just like my brother. But when it came down to it, I bared my teeth the first time to warn.

Then the second time there was no warning.

So I had gone to our house again to talk to Mella. That would be her warning. She couldn't let these claims stand, because she knew exactly what damage she was doing to Charles.

He was going to lose everything if this didn't settle down soon. And maybe Charles had been far too nice to her all along. Now it was time for some serious girl talk.

To my great surprise, she even let me onto the property, in front of which she had positioned security guards, because the press and fans had taken over out here.

It was completely absurd, considering that it was Charles' house and he had bought it for us. But as much as I loved this house, we would not be able to live in it now. Not after she made the address public.

She really wanted to take everything away from Charles after she realized he wasn't playing along like she had hoped.

But I would not let that happen.

Now we were playing dirty and I just might as well.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, set the dictation function, slid it halfway back into my pocket but left it sticking out a bit so that it would hopefully record everything we were discussing here, and then walked in to her. A smug smile slid across Mella's lips when she saw me.

"Well did Charles send you?" she asked.

"He doesn't know I'm here. He's still at the police station making his statement.", I calmly returned "I'm here because I want to talk to you."

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