my girls

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Evi ran ahead of me down the long path from the house to the beach. I could have beaten her by a mile, but enjoyed it way too much how much she laughed because she thought she could beat me. That laughter would always make me weak. Every damn time.

She stumbled a bit, but before she could fall I was there and wrapped my arm around her body. I pulled her back against my chest.

"What's the matter? Do you have a flat tire?", I laughed and could see goosebumps running down her back.

"Stupid.", she laughed and spun out of my arms to keep walking, but I held her tight, pulling her back.

"Slow down mon cœur. Don't break anything else. I need you whole."

She waved it off while running from me again "Would be a good workout if you had to carry me."

I growled. A pretty clear image had flashed through my mind. Of me carrying her to my bed. Fuck. I was going to have a fucking hard time keeping my hopes as low as possible. I wanted her. With everything I had.

"You both look pretty much intact," Lance laughed as Evi hit him.

She breathlessly stretched her arms in the air "Won!" she gasped.

I trotted beside her at half speed "If I hadn't had to catch you, I would have won mon cœur.", I smirked, she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Can't help it if you're playing Good Samaritan.", Aly immediately climbed off Lance arms onto Evi's arm and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Evi.", she purred and pressed her cheek against Evi's.

"So?", Lance echoed, looking at Evi.

"We worked it out."

"Did he apologize properly?", Lance raised an eyebrow, almost pretending a little that I wasn't there.

"He did. I'm working for him again."

Lance gave me a look that was probably meant to say something like, "I know where you live, my friend. And I'll kill you if she cries about you even once more."

I nodded.

Believe me Lance. I have no intention of making her cry even once more. On the contrary.

"Evi, swimming?", Aly tugged on Evi's bikini strap.

"How's the water?" she asked back.

"Wet.", Aly answered, looking at me a little confused.

I had to laugh. "It's pleasant.", Lance smirked, his hand sliding over Evi's back.

"You're Canadian and you love winter sports. What you think is pleasant doesn't make me feel that way," she laughed.

Was she just letting herself fall a bit in his direction? Had he been comforting her for the last few days? I knew that he had picked her up in Nice. Maybe the two of them had...

I didn't like that thought at all.

"It's really okay." laughed Hannah, who was lying on a lounge next to Esteban.

"I'll trust your judgment more then," laughed Evi.

"Cheeky." noted Lance "Watch I don't throw you in the water right now!"

"I've got a kid in my arms. That wouldn't be fair.", Evi grinned broadly at him.

"Can be helped.", Mick now jumped in and grabbed Aly, whereupon Lance grabbed Evi and lifted her up.

A wave of jealousy passed through my body as he ran into the water with her and, standing waist-deep in the water, tossed her a bit.

It felt like I didn't belong here at all. Like I was superfluous.

One last ChanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang