melting heart

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"Look. At. Me.", I demanded again, emphasizing each word.

She didn't move, but her breathing was heavy and her hand shook a little. Her gaze was still fixed on the door.

Slowly I let my hand slide from her neck to her shoulder and then slipped the thin jacket she was wearing off her shoulders. I let it fall noisily to the floor.

She almost winced a little.

My hands now wandered to the hem of her T-shirt. I pushed it up just a little bit so that I could just see her skin. My fingers stroked over the waistband of her pants along her back. Goosebumps ran down her spine.

"Charly." she whispered. It was so soft that I had barely heard her, yet it hadn't escaped me that she had used my nickname.

I now let my right hand slide all the way under her shirt and stroked up her back "What is it mon cœur?", I murmured and now pressed myself even tighter against her.

She had always possessed the ability to drive me completely crazy. Even then I had felt so extremely attracted to her as I rarely do to anyone else. And she had lost nothing of this effect.

Her perfume fogged me. I growled softly and pressed my nose into her hair.

"Charly." she whispered again, but this time it had a different sound. There was a bit of pleading in it.

"Use words mon cœur.", I demanded. My free hand now slid to her chin and I squeezed it a little, making her at least half turn her head toward me.

Her eyes flashed.

Fuck. How could a look turn me on like that?

I could see how much she wanted that kiss. But I wanted her to say it. I wanted her to beg me. I wanted her to be mine again. With every fiber of her being. And I knew very well that I was casting a spell on her with this.

"Charly, please," she whispered.

There it was again, this crackling that had been constantly between us before. It was as if the air was sparking with electricity.

It was incredible that nothing had changed since we'd been apart. As if we had not been separated for one day. As if nothing had ever happened.

I had to really pull myself together to wait for her word, but by God I loved it when she pleaded a little. I loved that feeling of having her completely to myself and being anything she wanted. I loved it more than anything.

That tremor in her voice. That look she always had when she did it. Fuck when she begged me I just forgot everything around me.

"Please what?"

"You know what I..." but she didn't get any further than that, because a knock on the door caused us to pull together in equal measure.

"Charles! You're about to be late. Hurry up!".

My gaze slid to the clock. Damn.

Evi immediately slid out of my arms, for Aly had been awakened by the knocking and was now crying.

"Coming right up," I grumbled.

How was I supposed to get into a car now? I didn't have a drop of blood left in my head. Instead, another part of my body was all the better supplied with blood. I really had problems getting into my clothes and that just now when I had to hurry.

Evi changed Aly's diaper in time and was done before I made it all the way into my suit. She noticed my glance, then was with me in a few steps, straightening the fireproof shirt before helping me zip up the racing suit. My gaze didn't slip from her for a second. She lifted her gaze as she zipped it up.

One last ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora