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I was still standing in the entrance of the house, completely shocked and speechless.

Charles looked at me expectantly.

"This is... Charles, I don't know what to say," I almost choked on my words as he beamed all over his face.

"You don't have to say anything, you..." but I interrupted him.

"I had an interview with a nanny today. She wasn't the right one, but I'm looking for someone to take my job. Charles it was agreed from the beginning that it wouldn't last with us. I was just supposed to be there for the beginning and not...", I could see the joy leave his face "This didn't happen because I want to be with you again. I wanted to help you. For Aly."

"That means you don't want to move in here with me?", I could see how hard that question was for him.

"I'm going to move in here with you until I find someone I trust. Someone who can take over my job. And just because you're moving in here. Charles, I'm... I'm sorry, but this is not our house. It's your house, Aly's house. But I'm not going to stay here forever.".

I could see his heart breaking. Shit, I didn't want to hurt him, but I couldn't lie to him that I was happy. I couldn't tell him that I was going to live here with them forever, and then suddenly hit him over the head at some point.

He ran his hand through the back of his neck and swallowed.

"I'm sorry, Charles, I..."

"I... I thought..." he gasped, then turned and disappeared with Aly towards the terrace.


I didn't mean to hurt him. I really didn't want to, and making him sad was the last thing I wanted. But what was I supposed to do? I couldn't lie to him.

Still, it broke my heart to see him sitting on the terrace, Aly in his arms, looking out to sea.

It was my fault. I had given him hopes and now to break him like this hurt myself. Maybe it was better this way.

Like ripping off a band-aid. It hurt, but after that it was over. I stood in the entryway a little perplexed, not knowing where to go with myself. I was still holding the key in my hand. I could hear the patio door open. Aly came running back inside laughing, Charles walking behind her.

I didn't know what it was in his look, but it made me a little nervous, the way he was walking toward me.

"Charly, I think it's best for us if...", I was about to start, but before I could continue he pressed his hand over my mouth.

"No.", he shook his head resolutely "It's not best for us. Not for Aly, not for me, and not for you! And do you know why?" he was seething with anger, his chest rising and falling way too fast, he lowered his hand from my mouth "Because Aly loves you and I still love you and I know you feel the same way. But if you think it's better if you go, then go. Now. I have the whole summer break to find someone to help me with Aly and if not, I'm sure Mom will be happy to help."

"But Charles, I..." my hands started shaking.

"Go. I'll send your things after you. I don't want to see you in my apartment in Monaco, or here in Nice, or anywhere near my daughter, do you understand me?"

"Charles, please, let's talk about this in peace, okay?", I tried to placate, but he was so angry he saw red.

"But that's what you want! You want to leave us! Then leave now!", I winced a little as he raised his voice.

And Aly also stopped in the middle of walking and looked at us now.

"Dad mad?" she asked, looking up at Charles, but he still had me fixed with his gaze.

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