"He knows you," Mallory pouted, "that is so sweet. Oceane, why didn't you say yes to being with him?"

"Again, he never asked," Oceane teased, "You are obsessed with magical endings for all but not everyone can be a romantic like you."

"You are right. I am a romantic, and I am not ashamed of it at all," Mallory hummed, "I am ready for love. Real love. Love outside of the confines of an estate. I don't understand how you are not."

"And I don't understand how you are," Oceane shot back with a laugh, no animosity in being questioned.

"It is kind of sad to think that he loves you but you do not reciprocate," Mallory pointed out.

Oceane might have not been annoyed, but Ava was.

"No one asked him to love her," Ava butted in, raising an eyebrow, and arms coming to cross in front of her chest.

"Whatever is occurring between us is between Blue and me and it's of little importance to anyone else," Oceane waved her arms once, motioning an end to the conversation, "what is of importance, is that thanks to Pelas, I could see everyone I needed to and there is a plan in place for my father."

"What does Pelas have to do with this?" Mallory raised an eyebrow, she wasn't confused by who Pelas was so she must have learned from Oceane. Or someone else. Ava had missed that.

She had missed a lot of things when it came to Mallory. She hadn't treated her fairly at all. When she first came to the estate, they had grown close and Mallory had indeed put her neck out for her. Ava didn't return the favor. She tried to shake her off when she could and was happy to not involve her in certain plans. Her gut sank a bit as she thought more about how she had made Mallory feel as she went in search of her own goals.

"First," Oceane held a finger up, "Pelas is always important. Second, he secured the tunnels for us. What are the chances that the revolution would use it, and get us access, right at the time we got there, so I could see my family?"

Mallory shook her head, "I think the revolution's plans for a tunnel managed to benefit you, which is a coincidence."

"Coincidences are just luck that has put on a disguise," Oceane shot back, "one sun, you will see."

"You cannot just pin every coincidence on Pelas because then you also have to blame Pelas for every time something goes bad," Mallory tried to catch a flaw in Oceane's logic.

But Oceane's statements were beyond logical, it was faith and Ava had learned to accept it. There were some things beyond their comprehension and Oceane's luck was just that. There were bad things that happened to Oceane, sure, but the bad things happening should have killed her long before. As Ava predicted, the argument had no effect on her friend.

"He can't prevent all bad things. We can thank them for the good, I think it's unfair to blame them for the bad," Oceane shrugged.

"So you are saying that every time something good happens to us, it's him," Mallory said.

"No, every time something good happens to me, it's him. I believe in chance and coincidence for others. But I follow him, I worship him, he looks out for me and that manifests as luck," Oceane argued.

Mallory shook her head and Ava laughed at the same time as Oceane. They looked at each other.

"You are exactly the same as her, Red," Oceane sat up.

"We are very alike," Ava smiled and looked over to Mallory, but Mallory had become upset.

Perhaps it was Ava jumping to Oceane's defense or her confusion with religion but she was no longer in a pleasant mood.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now