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Started at RR mansion, Raghav arrives and found farhad waiting there. Before farhad could say anything Raghav ask Farhad to check his phone and Farhad did, it was some photos and Farhad ask who are these people. Raghav told him that he need every information about them and that he will discuss it later and Farhad left. Raghav then heard Amma calling him for lunch and he made his way to the dining table where he saw Amma and pallavi waiting for him and he sat and they had their lunch together.
Meanwhile as it was lunch break sunny and keerthi are having their lunch in a close by restaurant that wasn't far from her workplace.
At RR mansion Raghav was sitting in his office working on his computer when his phone rang and he saw that it was Varun, btw it wasn't his personal number instead it was of another sim.
At deshmuk house house amrutha arrives at home followed by Mansi and they then went to fresh up and after that they went and sit as they join kaka and aai who was asking them about their day and so on.
It's night and Keerthi and Amma was sitting and talking with each other while in raghvi room Raghav was sitting on his bed sipping his coffee as he was on his computer. When he saw pallavi coming out of the washroom he closed his computer as pallavi came and lay beside him, he pulled her in his embrace as he peck her forehead and they cuddle with each other as they sleep.
It was morning and amrutha was going in the kitchen when she saw kaka trying to flirt with kaku lol and amrutha fake cough and got their attention and amrutha giggle seeing their reaction. She then left the kitchen but not before teasing them.
At RR mansion Farhad arrives and he went in the office as he know Raghav will be there, he saw Raghav and gave Raghav the file which contain the details of those person but still there was nothing written under Varun. Farhad ask him what is planning and raghav said that he is just trying to get to know about this company as it's fraud and because of them many companies are getting loss by their fake deal as is working with the ACP as he wink.
Episode ends 😊

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