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It's morning and raghav woke up and when he looks at pallavi he saw her sleeping and an idea came to his mind. He went to the bathroom and brings out his shaving cream bottle. He then slowly goes up to pallavi as he didn't want to wake her up, he then put some of the shaving cream in her right hand which was on the bed. He then takes something and slightly rub it in her face(like a feather) so that it will tickle her. However raghav wants to laugh as he was doing it but is controlling his laughter. As pallavi feels the tickle on her face, she takes her right hand and put it on her face(she was going to rub her face), and that's when the shaving cream spills on her face. Raghav then started to laugh when pallavi gets up and sit. Pallavi then saw her hand , and she check her face on her phone. She says "raghav youu" and raghav just keeps on laughing and pallavi gets down from the bed and started chasing Raghav as he runs. Amma was passing by Raghav room and heard raghav laughing. She then knocks at the door and said Raghav aren't you guys coming down the decorations have started. Raghav then open the door and Amma went in, however when she saw pallavi even she started to laugh too. Pallavi says "Amma you're laughing too". Amma said "pallavi why are your face covered with white ,what happened". Pallavi says "Amma, Raghav has done this" and raghav laughs ,pallavi then went and wash her face and they continue talk.
Its afternoon and in deshmuk family everyone is getting ready as they have to go to the RR mansion.
Meanwhile in RR mansion pallavi has finished readying and she saw that raghav isn't finish. She ask raghav what's the matter and why aren't you ready as yet. Raghav then told her than he don't know what to wear and he ask pallavi to choose a clothes for him and she did. However deshmuk family arrives at RR mansion and Amma welcome them. They told Amma that they have decorate it very beautiful as they saw the decorations. Then comes Raghav and pallavi holding hands together as they are walking towards them. Then Keerthi and sunny comes out as they holds hands also.
They then began with their celebration, Amma had baked a cake which was on the table with other things. Pallavi then give Keerthi the crown and raghav give Keerthi the necklace and some other gifts that they bought. Sunny then got some gifts also and posters that says mom to be , dad to be and so on. Even deshmuk family got gifts and also Amma.
They then have a dance session where Raghav and pallavi dance together and when they finish dancing they just stare and have an eye lock and when everyone clapped they got distracted from that. And then comes amrutha as she dance and Farhad joins her. And at last the whole family dance as it's a happy occasion. And everyone were happy.
Episode ends 😊

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